Royston, UK (8 April 2009) – Dolomite, a world leader in microfluidic design and manufacture, has introduced the Mitos Droplet Junction Chip, a glass microfluidic device designed for droplet generation. With two separate droplet junctions, the chip is able to produce a high droplet yield while maintaining consistency in size. Compatible with the Mitos Chip Holder H for fast and reliable fluidic connection, the droplet junction chip is ideal for monodispersed droplet formation as well as emulsion formation.
Depending on several physical parameters, such as channel size, fluid viscosity and miscibility, total flow rate and flow stability, droplets are typically formed with a diameter between 80 – 120 µm. Furthermore, between 100 – 3,000 droplets can be produced per second in a single channel. Droplet consistency is easily maintained throughout an application, providing extremely steady and reliable data. With an exceptionally small size of 22.5 mm x 15 mm x 4 mm (length x width x thickness), the Mitos Droplet Junction Chip provides a straight-through path for droplets, with high visibility. The two junctions within the chip can be used separately or in combination, as suited for various applications.
A range of customised options enable the chip to be tailored to fulfil individual user specifications. As such, it can be provided with a range of geometries, including different channel depths and etchings. As the surface of the channel walls has an effect on the nature of the droplet formation, Dolomite chips are available with hydrophilic, hydrophobic, platinum, or custom coatings. With outstanding chemical compatibility and the ability to operate across a wide range of temperatures and pressures, the Mitos Droplet Junction Chip is the ideal lab-on-a-chip solution for monodispersed droplet formation and emulsion formation.
For further information about the Mitos Droplet Junction Chip, or any of Dolomite’s innovative range of microfluidic connectors / interconnects, chips, pumps and valves, please visit
The Dolomite Centre Limited
Dolomite is a global leader in the design and manufacture of microfluidics devices. With offices in the UK, US and Japan and distributors throughout the rest of the world, its clients range from universities developing leading-edge analytical equipment, to manufacturers of chemical, life sciences and clinical diagnostics systems.
Excellent microfabrication facilities that include cleanrooms, precision glass processing facilities and applications laboratories were established with £2m in funding from the UK Department of Trade and Industry’s Micro and Nano Technology (MNT) Manufacturing Initiative. Dolomite’s expertise includes top quality engineering and scientific staff with strong backgrounds across the broad range of disciplines required for success in bringing microfluidics applications to the market, including chemistry, biotechnology, control system development, electronics, physics and instrument design and supply.