CELLINK and partner Prellis Biologics awarded Merck Innovation Award for cutting-edge technology designed to empower pharmaceutical research

CELLINK began collaborating with Prellis Biologics to develop the Holograph X bioprinter in 2018, and the technology was recently recognized enabling innovative capabilities for the pharmaceutical industry.

CELLINK began collaborating with Prellis Biologics to develop the Holograph X bioprinter in 2018, and the technology was recently recognized enabling innovative capabilities for the pharmaceutical industry.

The Holograph X, a bioprinter that leverages high-resolution holographic stereolithography to bioprint small structures, earned CELLINK a top honor as an innovative medical device with the potential to change what’s possible in pharmaceutical medicine.

In the award announcement, Merck senior investigator Tim Rhodes recognized CELLINK and California-based development partner Prellis Biologics for their “cutting-edge technology.” The award was announced at Merck Tech Symposium 2019, a forum focused on new technologies that provide decision-making insight in medicine. The event is a meeting for more than 1,000 Merck scientists with talks and posters, as well as a supplier trade show with more than 70 exhibitors.

Developing high-resolution tissues to mimic those in the human body requires a reliable way of vascularizing the tissue to effectively diffuse nutrients throughout the construct. Holograph X was designed to enable vascularization and support tissue growth ten times larger than standard spheroid cultures. The system will enable in-lab manufacturing of capillary-containing organ structures and tissues for transplantation, therapeutic screening and complex 3D culture development.

The new technology underscores CELLINK’s commitment to supporting and enhancing operations in the pharmaceutical industry. The Holograph X was designed in collaboration with Press Biologics Inc., a strategic partnership initiated to advance the capabilities of the most advanced pharmaceutical researchers.

“This partnership combines the key strengths of our companies, resulting in cutting-edge technology for our partners and customers, empowering them to advance their research in the fields of bioprinting and pharmaceuticals,” said Erik Gatenholm, CEO and co-founder of CELLINK.

Gatenholm added, “CELLINK’s unique expertise enables us to ideate, develop and validate new technologies to support these rapidly advancing fields. Working with talented partners, we form a powerful resource for designing innovative solutions to their challenges.”

For more information, please contact:

Erik Gatenholm, CEO Gusten Danielsson, CFO
Phone: EU +46 73 267 00 00 Phone: +46 70 991 86 04
US +1 (650) 515 5566 US +1 (857) 332 2138
Email: eg@cellink.com Email: gd@cellink.com


CELLINK is the leading 3D bioprinter provider and the first bioink company in the world. We focus on developing and commercializing bioprinting technologies to allow researchers to print human organs and tissues for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. Founded in 2016 and active in more than 50 countries, CELLINK is changing the future of medicine as we know it. Visit www.cellink.com to learn more. CELLINK is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market under CLNK. Erik Penser Bank AB is the company’s certified adviser, available by phone at +46 846 383 00 and by email at: certifiedadviser@penser.se.