CHC Health, formerly known as Case Haub Consulting, has changed its name to reflect its renewed focus on several new lines of service.
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa, May 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- CHC Health (, formerly known as Case Haub Consulting, has changed its name to reflect its renewed focus on several new lines of service. The company has traditionally provided medication management on behalf of health plan sponsors as well as medication synchronization and adherence services on behalf of pharmacies. With one of the largest groups of clinical pharmacists in the U.S., CHC Health is poised to provide a greater level of service across several lines of business including physician clinics, employers, health plans, hospitals, health technologies, home health agencies and beyond.
CHC Health believes the coordinated involvement of pharmacists can help solve many of the issues within the current U.S. healthcare system. CHC Health sees pharmacists as an integrated part of the healthcare team rather than siloed in a product distribution role. CHC Health pharmacists leverage their unique skills in medication knowledge while collaborating with patients, caregivers and the entire health care team to improve health outcomes while simultaneously decreasing overall healthcare costs.
“We truly believe that pharmacists, with the right tools and without the barriers they currently face, can fix many of the challenges seen within the U.S. healthcare system. We as pharmacists are medication experts but traditionally have not been part of the patient-centric team even though most medical conditions are treated with medication therapy. Medication regimens continue to become more complex and the valuable knowledge that a pharmacist brings to an integrated team cannot be understated. We believe that an ‘army’ of clinical pharmacists with established infrastructure and technology can positively impact not only how pharmacists practice but how patient care is defined in the U.S.”
Dr. Mike Case Haub, PharmD, CEO, CHC Health
About CHC Health
Founded by a pharmacist with passion for patient care and deep experience across the healthcare spectrum. CHC Health has a nationwide team of forward thinking pharmacists with diverse career backgrounds spanning community, health-system, clinic, managed care and academic settings.
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Media Contacts:
Brandi Williams
Tel: (800) 705-2930
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