Manchester and London, UK, 24 June, 2014 – C4X Discovery (C4XD), a leader in rational drug discovery and design, today announced the publication of a new peer-reviewed paper in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (“JMedChem”). JMedChem is published by the American Society of Chemistry and is widely regarded as one of the leading publications for research and development. The paper was co-authored with researchers from C4XD’s collaboration partner, AstraZeneca, and Pharmaron Beijing Co Ltd.
C4XD has the only technology in the world that can generate accurate, experimentally-derived dynamic solution 3D structures of drug molecules in just a matter of days. It can be used in conjunction with existing technologies for structure-based drug design, and can make a particularly high impact when protein crystallography is not routinely available, as is the case for GPCRs and ion channels.
The paper published in JMedChem includes a description of the use of C4XD’s technology to solve the dynamic 3D structure of a peptide GPR-103 agonist and how that data can inform the design of novel antagonists. The 3D structure was solved using NMR data combined with C4XD’s proprietary software.
Dr Charles Blundell, CSO of C4XD, said “We are delighted by the success of our collaboration with AstraZeneca and the very high quality of the research done is clearly recognised by this publication in JMedChem.” Piers Morgan, CEO of C4XD added “This exciting publication adds to the growing evidence that C4XD is poised to deliver a fundamental revolution in small molecule drug design.”
For further information please contact:
C4X Discovery Ltd
Piers Morgan, CEO 07912 293832
Ben Atwell / John Dineen, FTI 020 3727 1136
About C4X Discovery Ltd
C4X Discovery is a Manchester-based company focused on optimising drug discovery and design. It was founded in 2008 as a spin-out from the University of Manchester. The company uses its NMR-based technology to solve the dynamic 3D structures of a broad range of biomolecules, including peptides, cofactors, oligonucleotides and carbohydrates. Since C4X Discovery’s NMR technology shows what shapes active molecules prefer to adopt, it provides high-quality templates for drug discovery and design, and valuable information for drug candidate optimisation. In addition, the data is generated faster and more reliably than standard techniques such as X-ray co-crystallography or molecular modelling. C4X Discovery is using its technology in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry and to build its own proprietary pipeline of high-value therapeutic candidates. It has been funded since inception by life science investor Aquarius Equity Partners. .
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