Biopharm Services Ltd. Takes Bioprocess Modelling To The Next Level

Company releases new analysis products including the BioSolve Central cloud application

London, UK – February 23, 2016 – Biopharm Services, the bioprocess analysis software developer, today announced the release of the latest versions of its process analysis and economic modelling tools, BioSolve Process 7 and BioSolve Connect 4. The company also introduced a brand new cloud-based service called BioSolve Central.

BioSolve Central is a new cloud-based service containing a comprehensive set of generic models covering unit operations, processes and industry averaged cost data sets for download. This benefits users by ensuring that the latest data and models are always available and up-to-date.

“The cloud presents an elegant and powerful platform to provide our users with the latest data for creating their process and economic models,” said Andrew Sinclair, CEO, Biopharm Services. “Now every user of BioSolve Process 7 will be able to access new or updated unit operations, processes and cost data as soon as they are released.”

The BioSolve products provide insight that enables biopharma and vendor innovators to make fast, well-informed decisions – saving time and resources during the development and manufacture of cost-effective medicines. Many of the world’s biggest biopharma companies use BioSolve products to gain access to impartial and industry-wide data to rationalise and de-risk their business decision-making.

The user interfaces of both BioSolve Process 7 and BioSolve Connect 4 have been given a visual refresh, with redesigned icons and improved colour saturation to enhance modelling.

BioSolve Process 7 is the latest version of Biopharm Services’ flagship process analysis and economic modelling tool. Key new developments in BioSolve Process 7 include:

• Access to the new BioSolve Central cloud database.

• A Gantt chart scheduling feature, which allows a multi-batch production schedule to be visualised by mapping batch, continuous and perfusion processes onto a dateline.

• A new consumable packaging tool, which allows users to build assemblies from standard components or sub-assemblies, such as connectors and tubing.

• Updated cost database: The latest 2015 cost data from the industry’s leading suppliers has been added to ensure that economic modelling of processes is up-to-date.

BioSolve Connect 4 is the latest version of Biopharm’s central data management application, hosted on clients’ servers and allowing management of all resources and process models centrally. Key new features include:

• Consumable packaging support: The new consumable packaging tool in BioSolve Process 7 is now supported, allowing these items to be imported and exported.

• Documentation for unit operations: Unit operations now contain an option to view associated documentation, which provides more information about the model and the build and design of the unit operation model.

• Enhanced user management: The management of users within BioSolve Connect has been improved, enabling the control of user functionality as well as data access.

A webinar detailing the specific feature improvements in the BioSolve products can viewed at:

About Biopharm Services

Biopharm Services was founded in December 1998 to develop technology solutions and services for the biopharmaceutical manufacturing business, covering biologic products, facilities and manufacturing strategy. The company is the developer of BioSolve, the biopharmaceutical industry’s most powerful set of bioprocess analysis tools. The BioSolve product range enables biopharma and vendor innovators to reduce manufacturing costs and make informed process decisions to improve profitability and ultimately patient access.