(8th March, 2017) Basel, Switzerland and Helsinki, Finland - BC Platforms, a world leader in genomic data management and analysis solutions, today announces it has been selected as a SME partner for Horizon 2020 ESCAPE-NET Project, a European public-private Consortium, to build a clinical-genomic biobank of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) patients to facilitate research for SCA prevention. The program is looking to improve the survival of SCA patients as well as reducing related healthcare costs.
The ESCAPE-NET project is an ambitious 5 year project with 16 partners that aims to bring major breakthroughs in research by harmonizing and combining the largest existing European SCA databases and enabling collaborative research work on sudden cardiac arrest. The European Commission has provided approximately ten million Euro in funding to this project.
The platform will consist of:
• a joint database containing Europe’s largest SCA population cohorts allowing the best utilization of the data with comprehensive ICT solutions for data sharing,
• a prediction model for SCA predisposition based on a range of criteria including inherited, acquired, and environmental risk factors and
• an evidenced-based advice report describing the optimal first-response treatment strategy and associated infrastructure.
BC platforms’ primary role in this project is to deliver a data integration platform facilitating data availability queries and data analytics for ESCAPE-NET scientists in different countries. BC Platforms will also evaluate a commercialization model for keeping biobank active after the initial project funding ends.
Tero Silvola, Chief Executive Officer at BC Platforms, commented: ‘We are delighted to have been chosen as a partner to solve the genomic data management and analysis challenges faced in such a high profile multinational project. We believe the critical role we have been given in the SCA Horizon 2020 programme further endorses our expertise and big data management and complex data analytics in life sciences.’
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Media contacts:
For more information, please contact:
BC Platforms
Tero Silvola, CEO
tel. +358 40 590 5733
email: tero.silvola@bcplatforms.com
Katja Stout, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
tel. +44 20 7282 1066
email: katja.stout@citigatedr.co.uk
Notes to editors:
About BC Platforms
BC Platforms is a world leader in providing powerful genomic data management and analysis solutions to address some of the biggest healthcare challenges today by leveraging the convergence of genomics and healthcare information technologies. Our high performing genomic data management platform enables flexible data integration, secure analysis and interpretation of molecular and clinical information. BC Platforms’ vision is to revolutionize decision making in drug development to bring clinical benefits to patients. Founded in 1997, the Company has a strong scientific heritage underpinned by 20 years of working in close collaboration with a network of leading researchers, developers, manufacturers and vendors.
We currently provide solutions to over 60 leading international institutions in 19 countries including top-tier academic and hospital research groups, major pharmaceutical and agricultural companies. Our management team consists of industry leaders with over 100 years of combined experience in life sciences, computational biology and industrial technology. BC Platforms has global operations with its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, research and development located in Helsinki, Finland, and sales and marketing based in London, Boston, and Vancouver. For more information, please visit www.bcplatforms.com or follow us on Twitter @BCPlatforms.
About the ESCAPE-NET Project
The ESCAPE-NET Project is an ambitious 5-year project that will be performed by a strong European public-private consortium, including leading academic institutes with large SCA patient cohorts. The consortium will exploit the important existing cohorts and patient population and associated infrastructures of the ARREST, CARTAGENE, Paris sudden death expertise center, Danish cardiac arrest registry, SCD in Denmark, AGNES, GEVAMI, Predestination, Paris prospective study 3, SCD in Copenhagen City Heart Study, Hoorn studies, Diabetes pearl, and Diabetes care system databases that will be combined within the ESCAPE-NET project. The consortium consists of Europeans key cardiology and emergency medicine departments focusing on SCA. ESCAPE-NET project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733381.