Tensys Medical, Inc. Release: Emory University Medical Center And the Universities Of Texas And Colorado To Present Compelling Clinical Data On Non-Invasive Tensys(R) T-line(R) At American Society Of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting In Las Vegas

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Anesthesiologists from Emory University and the Universities of Texas and Colorado will present three promising studies comparing the long-term viability and accuracy of the Tensys T-line system with traditional blood pressure monitoring techniques during periods of significant hemodynamic instability and prolonged episodes of induced hypotension. The poster presentations will be held in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Hall C2 from 9:00am to 12:00pm PST on Tuesday, October 26th, 2004.

James G. Ramsay M.D. and Thomas Bellehumeur M.D. will present a 27 patient study on behalf of the Emory University School of Medicine demonstrating the safety and accuracy of the T-Line system in comparison to an invasive A-Line reference during major surgical procedures at risk for significant intraoperative hemodynamic instability.

“The Tensys T-Line system correlated well with the A-line reference in a range of clinical circumstances and during periods of significant blood pressure change,” commented Dr. James G. Ramsay, Chief of Service, Department of Anesthesia at Emory University Hospital. “Apart from minor skin markings at the site of sensor application, there were no adverse effects and all evidence of sensor placement and marking had resolved by 1 hour post device removal,” continued Dr. Ramsay.

Dr. Peter Szmuk of the University of Texas (Houston) Medical School added “Our results comparing the Tensys T-Line to an invasive arterial reference are particularly impressive since our study population was specifically selected for surgical procedures requiring induced hypotension. Our results show remarkable correlation between the T-Line and the A-Line reference during clinical situations in which a typical NIBP cuff is known to be highly suspect and beat-to-beat vigilance is highly desirable,” continued Dr. Szmuk.

About Tensys Medical, Inc.

Tensys Medical, Inc. is the leader in real-time, non-invasive blood pressure management. The FDA cleared the Tensys T-Line, the company’s lead product, in November 2002 as a medical device providing anesthesiologists with a non-invasive, continuous real-time blood pressure management tool.

The Tensys T-Line measures a patient’s blood pressure at the radial artery. It offers anesthesiologists better, more effective control over patient safety during surgery by allowing them to quickly monitor and manage blood pressure variations. The T-Line, via its continuous, real-time data, is far more effective than the traditional cuff method and has clinically equivalent accuracy to that of the arterial line (A-line). The device is based on Tensymetry, the company’s proprietary and patented technology for non-invasively extracting the continuous, beat-to-beat pressure waveform from the radial artery without the use of any external calibration device. The science of Tensymetry is broadly protected and is the result of over six years of research and development. Prior to its official product launch in March 2003, the Tensys T-Line was tested in approximately 500 surgical cases nationwide.

Tensys Medical is based in San Diego, California and was founded in November 1995. For more information, please visit the company’s Web site at http://www.tensysmedical.com/ .

Tensys Medical, Inc.

CONTACT: Bill Markle of Tensys Medical, Inc., +1-858-552-1941