Pencoed, UK, 6th July 2008: Ruskinn Life Sciences is today heralding a breakthrough in IVF treatment at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) annual conference with the unveiling of Ac-tive®, an innovative new technology capable of significantly boosting in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) conception rates. The state-of-the-art gas controlled device mimics ‘in-utero’ conditions for all IVF manipulations in a single workstation. According to Ruskinn, recent clinical trials in Denmark have demonstrated an increase in clinical pregnancy rates by up to 50% in an already successful IVF laboratory using the Ac-tive workstation.
According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the average IVF success rate (take home baby rate) for women under 35 years of age is 29.6%1. Using the Ac-tive IVF workstation, IVF clinics could potentially increase their “take home baby rate” by 50% - from a successful 29.6% to a possible 44.4%. Ac-tive results in the production of less stressed embryos, which suggests improved implantation in the uterus and ultimately increased pregnancy rates.
Due to the delicate nature of embryology, slight changes in the environmental conditions can greatly affect the IVF outcome. Research has shown that the development of oocytes and embryos occurs best in low oxygen/high humidity atmospheres at stable temperatures 2, 3 – something that is not always achieved in current IVF practice. Ruskinn’s unique Ac-tive workstation acts as a self-contained IVF laboratory, supporting the needs of embryologists performing a range of IVF manipulations Replicating the entire in-utero environment in a single, controlled-atmosphere workstation, Ac-tive delivers a stable, optimal atmosphere which simulates the environment of the human body and creates optimal conditions for embryo culture. This means all IVF procedures – from oocyte retrieval through to embryo transfer, and including embryo culture and selection - take place in a single, stable biological atmosphere.
The Ezee Sleeve™ Bare-hand System provides ‘hands in’ access to the workstation, enabling all processes to be carried out without disturbing the carefully controlled environment. Thus Ac-tive assists compliance with the EU Tissues and Cells Directive (2004/23/EU).
The Ac-tive workstation incorporates Ruskinn’s latest and most advanced gas mixing system enabling cells to be examined under precise O2 and CO2 tension in hepa filtered air. The touch screen user interface enables accurate atmospheric control with easy to interpret visual displays and intelligent environmental stability monitoring. The small footprint of the Ac-tive IVF workstation releases valuable laboratory space by reducing the need for other gas controlled incubators and Class 2 biological safety cabinets. Ruskinn will be exhibiting the Ac-tive workstation at ESHRE from 6-9 July 2008. For more information visit stand 208-209. 1. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 2. Acta Obstet Scand 2005: 84: 1181-1184. The Impact of Oxygen Tension on Developmental Competence of Post-thaw Human Embryos. (Astrid Petersen, Anne Lis Mikklesen, Svend Lindenberg) 3. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2005 Apr;189(4)@715-26;discussion 726-8