PIR Interims Rebrands to Offer New Services

November 01, 2011 -- PiR Interims, a specialist provider of interim managers to life science organisations, is rebranding and broadening its range of client and candidate services. The new business will include senior permanent resourcing and talent identification alongside interim management services.

Client demand is the driver of this change. Whilst there is a strong availability of candidates in some functional areas, PiR’s expertise is in the harder to fill roles where demand outweighs supply. These include Market Access, Pricing & Reimbursement, Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR) and some of the technical expert roles like Medical and Regulatory Affairs.

Sally Hope, Managing Director confirmed: “Increasingly we are being asked by clients to support searches and provide resourcing solutions beyond the interim need. Our network, approach and speed of response is particularly attractive. In addition to this our innovative fee model is competitive and reflects our approach to shared risk, this is a combination which clients find compelling.”

About PiR – Leaders in Senior Life Science Resourcing

PiR is a brand synonymous with providing innovative senior resourcing solutions to life science organisations. As a result of our exclusive focus on the sector, we have an understanding of many of the issues faced by pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic and medical device companies in the 21st century.

To reflect the needs of the market, PiR have developed a range of resourcing services, core to these are senior permanent and interim staff.

- Permanent Resourcing Solutions

- Interim Management Services

- Talent Identification

- Board Evaluation & HR services

PiR’s expertise is particularly evident across functions in high demand. These include Medical, Regulatory, Programme Management, Supply Chain, Market Access, Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR), Pricing & Reimbursement and senior level Commercial roles.

Bioscience NEDs

Sister company of PiR, Bioscience NEDs, specialises in recruiting non-executive directors, non-executive chairmen and executive chairmen for emerging life science companies. Contact: Carolyn Douthwaite, Managing Director, Bioscience NEDs Email: cd@bioscienceneds.com Telephone: 00 44 (0) 7801 977417

Sally Hope, Managing Director PiR +44 (0)844 8804340

Nicola Williams, Operations Manager PiR +44 (0)844 8804340

Email: resourcing@pir-resourcing.com