PRINCETON, N.J., April 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The Pharma, Biotech and Device Colloquium, June 6 - 9, 2004, has been scheduled on the campus of Princeton University, . The Colloquium is a major three and one half day advanced executive education event covering the interface of regulation and business strategy for global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device enterprises. The Colloquium features extraordinary special sessions and executive networking opportunities. Registration is limited to capacity of Princeton facilities.
The Colloquium features a faculty of over eighty national experts, including Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD, Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington; Fred Hassan, MBA, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schering-Plough Corporation, Past Chairman, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA); P. Roy Vagelos, MD, Retired Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Merck & Co.; Pat Kelly, President, US Pharmaceuticals, Vice President, Pfizer Inc.; John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Pharmaceutical Operations, Eli Lilly and Company; and Uwe E. Reinhardt, Ph.D., James Madison Professor of Political Economy, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University.
Topics covered include: - A Primer on Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management in Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Enterprises and the Implications for Business Strategy; - What Will be the Market Differentiators for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Device Companies of the Future?; - The Role of a Company’s Compliance Program in Enhancing the Reputation of the Enterprise and in Implementing a Program of Enterprise Risk Management; - Employer’s Perspective on the Role of Pharma, Biotech and Device Sectors; Building the Medical Affairs Organization of the Future; - Designing the Sales Force of the Future: Getting It Right; Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) for Life Sciences Enterprises; - Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Device Sector Regulator Roundtable; - The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) Enterprises in Transforming the Pharmaceutical Marketplace; - The Implications of the New Medicare Prescription Drug Legislation for the Pharmaceutical Sector; - Medicare’s Quest for Value in Medical Devices: Coding, Coverage and Payment; and - What Wall Street Sees for Pharma, Biotech and Devices.
The Colloquium is sponsored by AdvaMed, Biotechnology Industry Association, Harvard Health Policy Review, Health Affairs, Healthcare Institute of New Jersey, National Pharmaceutical Council, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association and Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum.
Lodging is available either at Forbes College, Princeton University or Nassau Inn, Princeton, NJ. For more information, register online
at , call 800-684-4549 or email
Contact: Paul Tunnecliff 800-684-4549 phone
Pharma, Biotech and Device Colloquium
CONTACT: Paul Tunnecliff, VP of Registration Services for Health CareConference Administrators, LLC, +1-800-684-4549,