OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Kathy Lancaster today was named the new senior vice president and chief financial officer for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. The announcement was made by KFHP/H Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, George C. Halvorson.
Lancaster, an executive with 24 years experience in the health care industry, has served as Kaiser Permanente’s acting chief financial officer since February of this year, while fulfilling her additional duties as senior vice president, strategic planning. During this period, she has worked collaboratively with the organization’s medical groups, labor interests and operations to further key financial strategies of the integrated health plan.
Halvorson notes that Lancaster’s stellar leadership skills, financial acumen and strategic capabilities make her the perfect fit for this critical role on Kaiser Permanente’s leadership team.
“Ms. Lancaster has done an exceptional job as acting CFO, and will, I’m confident, continue to execute the same level of performance as our permanent CFO,” Halvorson said. “Her many years of experience as a finance division officer and her experience as an underwriting executive give us an excellent financial perspective that fills our total financial context.”
Lancaster began her career at Kaiser Permanente in 1998, most recently serving as its senior vice president, strategic planning. In that role, she supported senior executives in the development and implementation of national strategies, business planning and overall performance management.
“I’m extremely honored to have the opportunity to support Kaiser Permanente as the chief financial officer,” Lancaster said. “This is an exciting time for our organization. We have a strong financial position and are embarking on several key initiatives that will strengthen the organization, including enhancing our financial infrastructure to better support Kaiser Permanente in the future.”
Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente, Lancaster served for 17 years with Prudential Healthcare, where she held a series of leadership positions, concluding her career with the organization as its vice president of health care delivery, from 1995-1998. In this role she designed and executed a contracting strategy that lowered member medical costs, and worked collaboratively with key California employers to build and implement initiatives that improved the organization’s health care delivery.
Today also marks the appointment of Larry Y. Wilson to the new position of KFHP/H senior vice president of finance. Wilson comes to the role after three years as chief financial officer and senior vice president of finance, planning and consulting, with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan’s northern California region.
Kaiser Permanente is America’s leading integrated health plan. Founded in 1945, it is a not-for-profit; group practice prepayment program headquartered in Oakland, Calif. Kaiser Permanente serves the health care needs of more than 8.3 million members in nine states and the District of Columbia. Today it encompasses the not-for-profit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and their subsidiaries, and the for-profit Permanente Medical Groups. Nationwide, Kaiser Permanente includes approximately 142,000 technical, administrative and clerical employees and caregivers, and more than 12, 000 physicians representing all specialties.
Kaiser Permanente
CONTACT: Alexandra Matisoff-Li of Kaiser Permanente National MediaRelations, +1-510-271-5624, or alexandra.matisoff-li@kp.org
Web site: http://www.kaiserpermanente.org/