Hemophilia Foundation Of Michigan Named Best-Managed Nonprofit

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Jan. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan (HFM) was recently named the “Best-Managed Nonprofit” for 2003 among organizations with an annual budget under $3 million. The judging was conducted by the nonprofit practice of accounting firm Plante & Moran and by a panel of independent nonprofit professionals convened by Crain’s Detroit Business.

In its December 22, 2003 edition, Crain’s reported this annual award and noted that HFM was able to maintain and expand its services to the bleeding disorders community and increase its level of outside funding support, despite the destruction of its offices as a result of an arson fire in February, 2002. For six weeks immediately following the fire, employees worked from their homes, communicated by cell phone and met for staff meetings at the dining room table of its Executive Director, Ivan C. Harner. “Despite this fire, we were able to maintain and improve our level of service to our constituents in the bleeding disorders community. The loss of our offices could have spelled doom for our foundation. Instead, our staff responded magnificently and because of them what might have been a disaster turned out to be simply a challenge, and one to which they were more than equal,” said Harner.

Foundation offices are presently located in a temporary location in Ann Arbor. Meanwhile, HFM is moving forward with construction of its new home in Ypsilanti Township which will be ready for occupancy by late summer. The new facility will allow HFM to expand its service mission.

The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan (HFM) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all those affected by hemophilia and hereditary bleeding disorders and related complications including HIV infection and AIDS, through the support of individual, family and community services; education; health care; advocacy and research with the ultimate goal of finding a cure.

For more information, contact the Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan at 734-332-4226.

Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan

CONTACT: Ivan C. Harner, Executive and Regional Director of HemophiliaFoundation of Michigan, +1-734-332-4226 ext. 26, harner@hfmich.org