LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA – April 4th, 2011 – Entos Pharmaceuticals, a private biotechnology company focused on the development of the Fusogenix Platform for Targeted Intracellular Drug Delivery, announces today the presentation of a poster at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. Titled “Targeted Non-Invasive Imaging and Therapy of Prostate Cancer using Fusogenic Liposomes,” the data demonstrate the potential to use fusogenic liposomes as a targeted delivery system for the treatment of prostate cancer.
“The data show that the inclusion of targeting peptides into fusogenic liposomes drastically increases the ability of the drug delivery vehicles to deliver intracellularly,” said Dr. John Lewis, President and CEO of Entos Pharmaceuticals. “Our plan is to demonstrate the synergistic effect of targeting drugs to the site of disease and actively delivering them past the cell membrane.”
“We have already demonstrated the ability of The Fusogenix Platform to drastically increase the intracellular concentration of therapeutics,” said Dr. Andries Zijlstra, CSO of Entos. “The new data presented here offer the hope of targeting drugs directly to the site of disease.”
Poster Number 3224 - Targeted non-invasive therapy of prostate cancer using fusogenic liposomes
Tuesday, Apr 05, 2011, 8:00 AM -12:00 PM
Exhibit Hall A4-C, Poster Section 15
The inclusion of fusogenic proteins into liposomes mediates efficient fusion with the cell membrane. This bypasses the endocytic pathway and deposits therapeutic cargo directly into the cytoplasm. It would be valuable to include tissue targeting peptides into fusogenic liposomes to create an actively targeted, intracellular delivery system.
The purpose of this study was to determine if targeted ablation of prostate cancer may be achieved by delivering taxotere encapsulated in fusogenic-liposomes targeted to gastrin-releasing peptide receptors
The objectives of the study were to i) validate the fusogenic properties of fusogenic liposomes ii) express and purify p14-bomesin fusion protein, iii) assemble targeted fusogenic liposomes iv) and assess the targeted ablation of human prostate cancer. Our analysis demonstrates that the incorporation of the fusogenic protein significantly increased liposomal delivery of the fluorescent dextran into the cytoplasm of the HT1080 cells. Thus, Fusogenic liposomes containing bomesin offer new potential for the targeted delivery of prostate cancer drugs.
About The Fusogenix Platform
Fusogenix is a liposomal drug delivery platform that allows access to the 1000’s of intracellular drug targets by inducing fusing with the plasma membrane. Effectively bypassing the endocytic pathway, therapeutics are delivered, intact and unmodified, directly into the cytoplasm where they can generate an optimal effect. Through a simple modification, these drug delivery vehicles can be targeted directly to the site of disease. The technology is easily incorporated into optimized liposomal formulations and has been shown to drastically increase intracellular concentrations of a wide range of therapeutic types including: small molecules, biologics and siRNA
About Entos Pharmaceuticals
Entos Pharmaceuticals is focused on making therapeutics better through the use of the Fusogenix Platform for drug delivery. Fusogenix is an advanced intracellular drug delivery platform with a unique mechanism of action that drastically increases the intracellular delivery of therapeutic cargos. Through a simple modification, these vehicles can be targeted directly to the site of disease.
Entos Pharmaceuticals, Targeted Intracellular Delivery for the Development of Better Therapeutics
Media Relations Contact:
Jeff Skinner