1 June 2010 - Bio Nano Consulting, specialists in bio and nanotechnology partnerships between the academic and industrial sectors, announces that its one of its founding directors, Professor Gabriel Aeppli, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of science. The honour, one of the highest to be bestowed on UK scientists, acknowledges excellence, thought leadership and innovation across the sector.
The Royal Society’s citation accompanying the announcement reads: ‘Aeppli is one of the world’s leading condensed matter physicists, a winner of the American Physical Society’s major Oliver Buckley Prize. He identified magnets with tunable quantum fluctuations using them to study the cross-over between the classical and quantum behaviour. His work demonstrated that magnetic quantum fluctuations could not be described by otherwise successful 20th century theory. His team showed such fluctuations as particularly strong in exotic superconductors, such as high transition temperature copper oxides, providing key evidence that quantum spin fluctuations, rather than the atomic vibrations of standard theory, are at the root of exotic superconductivity.’
Professor Aeppli joined University College London (UCL) in 2002, driving the establishment of the London Centre of Nanotechnology through to its official opening in 2006. Prior to UCL, he held US based positions at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey and at the NEC Research Laboratories in Princeton. Key accolades include winning the Néel Medal in 2003, the 2005 Besides the Oliver Buckley Prize, the Institute of Physics Mott Medal and Prize in 2008 and the IUPAP Magnetism Prize.
Commenting on the appointment, David Sarphie, Chief Executive Officer at Bio Nano Consulting, remarked: “We are delighted that Gabriel has secured election as a Fellow to the Royal Society. We pride ourselves in the quality of our scientists, as their expertise, knowledge and recognised achievements, combined with our project management skill sets, form core assets that are central to our accredited service offering. Indeed, the appointment in part recognises Gabriel’s groundbreaking contribution to quantum magnetics in the field of condensed matter physics.”
About Bio Nano Consulting
Bio Nano Consulting is a joint venture of Imperial College London and University College London that specialises in delivering innovative solutions to industry across the life sciences and technology sectors. We are the first consultancy in Europe to focus on the intersection between bio and nanotechnology, providing product development and strategic consultancy, project management and access to state of the art instrumentation and world-leading researchers. Through its partner organisations of UCL, Imperial College and the National Physical Laboratory, BNC offers a service to the biomedical and healthcare and technology industries in microsystems and nanotechnology.