Atherotech, Inc.'s VAP(R) Cholesterol Test Highlighted in Groundbreaking Book on Longevity ‘TRANSCEND’

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The VAP(R) Cholesterol Test recently gained the honor of being a component in one of nine steps to a longer life. TRANSCEND: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever (Rodale, 2009) by anti-aging authority Terry Grossman, M.D., and world-renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil, identifies the VAP advanced lipid profile as one of the future technologies in cardiovascular risk assessment.

Grossman, the book’s co-author and medical director of The Grossman Wellness Center ( in Golden, Colo., describes how America’s greatest health threat is lack of early detection and lack of testing. Grossman, who uses the VAP Test at his Denver-area practice, said he believes that virtually all disease is discoverable and, with an aggressive approach, treatable.

The VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) Test is manufactured by Atherotech, Inc., a cardio-diagnostic company based in Birmingham, Ala. Company President Mike Mullen said inclusion of the VAP Test in the book furthers the validity of the test and its ability to identify cardiovascular risks far better than the standard cholesterol test.

“By highlighting the VAP Test in this powerful book on health and longevity, the authors recognize the unique cardiovascular assessment that our test provides to proactive, preventive-minded physicians and their patients,” Mullen said.

TRANSCEND is described as a practical, easy-to-understand application of the breakthrough scientific findings on life extension. Under the heading of “How To Keep Your Heart Beating” in the chapter entitled “Blood Tests For Early Detection Of Cardiovascular Disease,” the authors state:

The TRANSCEND authors urge people to take advantage of the accelerating developments in biotechnology and offer everything from updates on relevant research to tips on talking to your doctor about cutting-edge testing.

The VAP Test reports 20 separate components of blood cholesterol as opposed to four in a standard cholesterol test. The test can identify a far greater number of lipid abnormalities -- the No. 1 risk factor for heart disease -- than the standard cholesterol test and now reports apoAI and the apoB/apoAI ratio at no added cost.

People with a family history or an existing condition of diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease -- or who are already taking cholesterol-lowering medication -- are candidates for the comprehensive VAP Test. In addition, those who don’t score within the desirable ranges of the standard cholesterol test (i.e. those with triglycerides > 150, HDL < 40, LDL >130, total cholesterol > 200) should also opt for the more detailed VAP Test.

The VAP Test is available nationwide and covered by most insurance providers, including Medicare and Medicaid. For more information call 877.901.8510 or visit

About Atherotech, Inc.

Atherotech is a cardio-diagnostic company focusing on cardiometabolic tests, including the company’s patented VAP Cholesterol Test, which reports the cholesterol content of all lipids, components and subclasses. The VAP Test is the first cholesterol profile to comply with updated National Cholesterol Education Program ATP III recommendations for direct LDL measurement, which is accurate with non-fasting samples. It is the only advanced lipid profile that routinely reports all three lipoprotein parameters considered necessary by the American Diabetes Association and American College of Cardiology expert consensus guidelines. The VAP Test is available through national and regional diagnostic laboratories and is reimbursed by many of the largest private insurers as well as Medicare. For more information, visit

CONTACT: Micki Sievwright of Armada Medical Marketing, +1-303-623-1190,
ext. 240,, for Atherotech, Inc.; or Scott Rezek of
Atherotech, Inc., +1-205-314-7412,

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