Advance in Bioenergy Research: LGC Genomics GmbH and Bioplant R& D Sequence the Transcriptome of Jatropha Curcas

24 January 2011, Berlin, Wien – LGC Genomics, the genomics division of LGC, is pleased to announce that it has completed the sequencing of the whole transcriptome of the different developmental stages of Jatropha curcas seeds on behalf of the Austrian Bioplant R&D, Vienna and the PBU, Department of Biotechnology, VIBT-BOKU, Vienna.

LGC Genomics used a novel proprietary method and the cutting-edge Roche/454 Titanium sequencing technology to analyse the full-length, optimised, normalised cDNA library of Jatropha curcas. Approximately 12,000 full-length transcripts, assembled with an average 25 fold sequence coverage were obtained.

The species Jatropha of the family Euphorbiaceae has gained global attention as an alternative bioenergy plant. It grows in tropical and subtropical areas and is currently being successfully processed for the production of biodiesel. Jatropha can be planted on poor, contaminated soils which are not suitable for food production and is used in plantations of hedges and barriers to protect vulnerable areas against soil erosion. Jatropha is also used as source of fuel wood, for the production of lamp oil, soap, colours and smear oils and for some medicinal applications.

Steffen Krueger LGC Genomics’ General Manager commented: “LGC Genomics and its partners can be extremely proud of their achievement in the sequencing of this increasingly important fuel alternative. The sequencing of the Jatropha species will not only enable biofuel scientists to understand the plant’s genetic make-up, so aiding in its processing, but will help farmers increase their yields and contribute to the exploration for a genuine alternative to fossil fuels.”

Margit Laimer (PBU, BOKU) / Karin Gruber (Bioplant R & D): “Bioplant R & D and PBU are considering the sequencing of the transcriptome of Jatropha curcas an important milestone in our efforts to develop elite-cultivars in order to improve global access to and production of green energy”. Bioplant`s improved plant material is expected to reach the market within the next years. The efforts for the “Production of elite plant material of Jatropha curcas“by Bioplant R&D and PBU, Vienna, are supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

About LGC Genomics

LGC Genomics is a new division of the international science-based LGC Group and was established in April 2010 as part of a strategic reorganisation of LGC’s operational structure. LGC Genomics combines the strengths of the LGC Group’s former AGOWA genomics business – based in Berlin - with LGC’s ambitions for growth in the rapidly expanding international genomics market.

LGC Genomics delivers:

- Next generation sequencing services

- DNA sequencing

- Genomic services

- Nucleic acid extraction services

- DNA extraction products

LGC is an international science-based company and market leader in analytical, forensic and diagnostic services and reference standards (

LGC operates internationally through four divisions - LGC Forensics, LGC Genomics, LGC Standards and LGC Science & Technology. The LGC Group employs over 1,400 staff in 27 laboratories and centres across Europe as well as in India and China.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Claudia Meißner Marketing / PR Coordinator

LGC Genomics GmbH Ostendstr. 25 • TGS Haus 8 12459 Berlin • Germany

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Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg • HRB 48332 Geschäftsführer: Dr. Steffen Krüger, Uwe de Buhr