Zestra Laboratories, Inc. Release: Clinically Proven All-Natural Feminine Product To Be Part Of Women’s Conference

CHARLESTON, S.C., Feb. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Zestra(R), the only clinically proven feminine arousal fluid, will be a featured partner at the 2006 National Speaking of Women’s Health conference in Cincinnati from March 1 - 5, 2006. Knowledgeable sexual health experts rely on Zestra(R) as the first-line solution for problems many women face with their sexual health, pleasure and satisfaction.

“Optimizing women’s sexual health and overall well-being is something Zestra(R) and the Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation have in common,” said pharmacist Martin Crosby, Chief Scientific Officer of Zestra Laboratories. “Raising awareness at the conference helps both organizations accomplish our common goal of improving women’s health and quality of life.”

Zestra(R) is a topically applied blend of all-natural botanical ingredients scientifically formulated by pharmacists and sexual health experts to increase female sexual pleasure. In clinical studies conducted by independent sexual medicine experts, Zestra(R) improved the level of arousal, desire, satisfaction and sexual experiences in women.

Non-prescription Zestra(R) is now available nationwide in the personal lubricant or feminine hygiene sections of CVS Pharmacies, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Duane Reade drugstores, Bi-Lo supermarkets, HEB supermarkets, Ingles, and other fine pharmacies and natural products stores. More information is available at www.zestraforwomen.com.

About the National Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation

Founded in 1995 by Dianne Dunkelman, Speaking of Women’s Health is a national, nonprofit organization devoted to educating women about the health issues unique to them so that they may take better care of themselves and their families. The Foundation offers a variety of programs, including educational conferences, television programming, newsletters, books and community outreach, to provide women with the latest health information from credible experts in an entertaining way. The Foundation will be hosting its 2006 National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center, March 1 - 5, 2006. For more information on the Foundation or its 2006 conference, please visit www.speakingofwomenshealth.com.

About Zestra Laboratories

Zestra Laboratories is a science-driven company focused on developing clinically proven Women’s Health consumer products. Since 1996, the Company has leveraged its expertise in pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology and women’s sexual health to “design and develop” selected plant-derived principles as proprietary consumer products with significant commercial potential. The Company applies its integrated scientific platform with natural products to specific target areas where it has substantial expertise. Zestra Laboratories believes this “design and develop” strategy increases the chances of successfully developing effective and widely embraced consumer products. These target areas primarily involve female sexual health, with other late- stage pipeline products that deliver substantial quality of life enhancements in women’s health.

Media Contact: Tom Geiser Phone: 314.290.2156 Email: tgeiser@kupperparker.com

Zestra Laboratories, Inc.

CONTACT: Tom Geiser, +1-314-290-2156, or tgeiser@kupperparker.com , forZestra Laboratories, Inc.