The ElderCare Plan To Adopt “Evercare At Home” Name

New Identity Reflects Company Mission and Care Coordination Expertise

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 9, 2004--The ElderCare Plan is changing its name to “Evercare At Home,” reinforcing its connection to the nation’s largest program for aging, vulnerable and chronically ill individuals and more clearly reflecting the organization’s core mission. “The name ‘Evercare At Home’ identifies our company as part of the award-winning Evercare family of products and describes our mission of coordinating care to help aging, vulnerable and chronically ill individuals live independently and prevent or delay placement in a nursing home,” explains Bruno Piquin, Executive Director. ‘Evercare At Home also more accurately represents the enrollees we serve, who may be as young as 21 years old.”

The program serves enrollees in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties who have been approved by the state for in-home care. Enrollees receive a wide range of home, community and medical services, including in-home health assessments, home health aide services, homemaking services, personal care and assistance with bathing, physician services, hospital and respite care, dental and vision services, adult day care, coordination of transportation to medical appointments, medical supplies and equipment, and prescription drugs, supplements and over the counter medications.

While the plan’s name is changing, Piquin emphasizes that enrollees will receive the same high quality, personalized care. “All benefits and pharmacy services continue as they are today. Enrollees will work with their current care managers and see their same physicians.”

Evercare at Home’s parent company, Evercare, is a national leader in designing and operating programs that deliver quality care and serves more than 65,000 Medicare and Medicaid recipients in 12 states. Evercare is internationally recognized for its successful Primary Care Team approach, where nurse practitioners and primary care physicians come together to create a personalized care plan and closely monitor the “big picture” of an enrollee’s physical and mental health. Enrollees and their families consistently rate their satisfaction with Evercare at 96 percent or better, and physicians consistently rate Evercare as a program they would recommend to other physicians.

The ElderCare Plan began 16 years ago as a demonstration project to provide an alternative to nursing home placement by expanding traditional Medicaid benefits. In 2002, Evercare began managing this home and community-based program. Currently, the plan serves 3,108 Floridians through its 59 Florida employees.

Since Evercare began managing The ElderCare Plan, enrollees have received more proactive, personalized care. Previously, enrollees only received telephone calls from their care manager to evaluate their condition. Under Evercare’s management, enrollees receive in-home, personal evaluations by professional care managers to assess enrollees’ overall well being and health needs. In conjunction with an enrollee’s physician and caregivers, the care manager develops a long-term care plan (which is implemented by nursing and home aide staff) and monitors an enrollee’s progress.

“By providing coverage for care that allows at-risk individuals to remain at home, we have improved quality of life for our enrollees while helping the state save $10,000 to $14,000 per enrollee annually,” says Piquin. We have a proven relationship with the state of Florida and look forward to continuing to serve its residents through Evercare At Home.”

Evercare is a business unit within Ovations, which is part of the family of companies within UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH - News). UnitedHealth Group is a diversified health and well-being enterprise that provides a full spectrum of resources and services to help people achieve improved health and well-being through all stages of life.


Ovations, Minneapolis Media Contact: Joyce Larkin, 952-936-3836

Source: Ovations