Startup Biotech, Kindex Pharmaceuticals, Launches With $5 Million In Pocket

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KinDex Pharmaceuticals Launches with $5 Million Series A Funding Led by Polaris Partners

March 25, 2014, Seattle, WA, -- KinDex Pharmaceut icals (, a biotechnol ogy company focused on discovering and developing molec ules that modulate key regulatory networks associat ed with obesity, inflammation and chronic disease, ann ounced today an initial $5 million Series A funding , which includes leading venture capital firm Polaris Partn ers. KinDex Pharmaceuticals was formed by the reor ganization of KinDex Therapeutics, LLC, in parallel with the i nvestment.

“We are very excited about the opportunity to work strategically with Polaris,” said Jeffrey Bland, Ph .D., CEO of KinDex Pharmaceuticals. “Their investment will hel p us initiate the planned Phase 2 trial of our most advanced candidate, KDT501, in Type 2 diabetic patients as w ell as undertake additional preclinical and mechani stic studies in brown fat biology. Polaris is known to build strong relationships with their companies and we look forward to accessing their expertise and extended n etwork as we continue to establish value in our por tfolio.”

KinDex is actively developing pleiotropic small mol ecules derived from hops that regulate the ‘cross-t alk’ between macrophages and adipocytes and influence th e cell inflammasome. Published mechanistic and ani mal studies on KDT 501 indicate that it influences brow n fat cell differentiation, which is important in t hermogenesis and obesity management. In addition, animal studie s demonstrate that the KinDex Pharmaceuticals candi date compounds have the potential to not only improve gl ucose homeostasis, but also modify total cholestero l and triglycerides and reduce body weight gain, while ex hibiting the ability to reduce the systemic inflamm atory effects resulting from postprandial metabolic endot oxemia.

About KinDex Pharmaceuticals

KinDex’s molecules have demonstrated efficacy in in vitro and in vivo models of diabetes and inflammation. The company has successfully completed Phase 1 clinical safety studies of their most advanced drug candida te, KDT501, and anticipates initiating proof-of-concept efficacy studies in diabetic patients. The priva tely held biotech’s scientific advisory board includes biotec hnology luminaries Dr. Paul Schimmel of The Scripps Research Institute, Dr. John Kozarich of ActivX and Dr. Benj amin Cravatt of The Scripps Research Institute. Re ad about KinDex’s research in their most recent PlosOne publ ication: %2Fjournal.pone.0087848;jsessionid=D00E83DAA6EAE0 CB0F37ADF52AE8A033

Contact: Annette Giarde, KinDex Pharmaceuticals O perations Manager 206-922-2912

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