Carefluence offers SnapMD’s VCM telemedicine software as a comprehensive clinical care solution to virtually connect providers to patients and their existing EHRs
LOS ANGELES, July 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- SnapMD, an award-winning full-service enterprise telehealth technology innovator and solutions provider, today announced that the company has partnered with Carefluence, a plug-and-play platform for healthcare interoperability and certified open API, to deliver its enterprise-level Virtual Care Management (VCM) telemedicine platform to the healthcare market. Through the strategic partnership, the VCM is now integrated with electronic health records (EHR) software ModuleMD, a process-driven solution developed with workflow distribution methods that enhance usability and overall efficiency of digital documentation. Carefluence now offers SnapMD’s VCM telemedicine software as a comprehensive clinical care solution to virtually connect providers to patients and their existing EHRs. With the ability to access ModuleMD’s EHR data from within the telemedicine platform, or conveniently access the telemedicine platform from within the EHR, Carefluence APIs facilitate connectivity and data exchange that allows for complete clinical pathways and establishes a certified system of record. “We are thrilled to partner with SnapMD to provide our customers with access to an award-winning virtual care platform that enables a complete, turnkey virtual medical center,” Lloyd Williams, COO at Carefluence. “Applications developed and integrated with the Carefluence platform enable healthcare communities to share secure data in a meaningful context for efficient community-based care processes. Through this FHIR®-based integration with SnapMD, medical practices can now see patients via telemedicine as a part of a clinic’s daily workflow with access to scheduling, EMR charting, and billing.” The VCM telehealth platform provides all of the features and functions needed to practice any form of medicine suitable for virtual care. Designed with a 360° suite of services, the platform’s single, intuitive interface enables more efficient interaction between healthcare providers and patients with advanced scheduling capabilities, rules-based workflows and single sign-on capabilities – simplifying and empowering the provider and administrator digital workflow experience. “SnapMD and Carefluence’s partnership helps to remove the barriers of technology differences that hinder collaboration and to virtually connect the care continuum,” said Dave Skibinski, president and CEO of SnapMD. “Our telemedicine software will now provide Carefluence customers with a true point-of-care solution for virtual care interactions.” Carefluence leads the way in interoperability technology and thinking through early adoption of FHIR and brought their expertise in healthcare technology platforms and interoperability APIs together to build and service ecosystems of connected care. The company became the first platform in the country to be certified by the ONC for its Open API framework. About Carefluence About SnapMD PR Contact