Roswell Park Cancer Institute, University at Buffalo Spinoff Takes Simulator to Sweden

Business First by Tracey Drury, Buffalo Business First Reporter

A Buffalo biotechnology company has begun selling its product internationally, completing a sale in Stockholm, Sweden.

Simulated Surgical Systems LLC, a spin-off from Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the University at Buffalo, this month delivered its Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS) to the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. The sale followed a successful test for CE compliance in the European Union.

The RoSS is the first simulator of its kind to include training for complete surgical procedures with its patented Hands on Surgical Training (HoST) modules.

Founded in 2009, the company is a collaborative effort between the Center for Robotic Surgery at Roswell Park and UB’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Co-founders are Dr. Khurshid Guru, a staff physician in urology and director of the Center for Robotic Surgery; and Thenkurussi “Kesh” Kesavadas, director of the UB Virtual Reality Laboratory and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

The company focuses on commercialization and sales of the RoSS device to medical schools, hospitals and surgical groups. Other organizations using the system include the Center for Human Simulation and Patient Safety Virginia Commonwealth University; the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, N.J.; and Ohio State University Medical Center and the James Cancer Hospital.