PerkinElmer, Inc. And JN Macri Technologies Sign Licensing Agreement To Expand Prenatal Risk Assessment; Agreement Highlights PerkinElmer’s Continued Investment In Maternal Health Technologies

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 13, 2005--PerkinElmer Inc. (NYSE: PKI), a world leader in neonatal and prenatal screening, and JN Macri Technologies, LLC have signed a license agreement which gives PerkinElmer rights to manufacture and sell kits for the measurement of free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (free hCGa) in liquid blood for risk assessment of fetal anomalies during pregnancy. As a marker of Down’s syndrome and other trisomies, free hCGa is an important means of improving the efficacy of risk assessment within the first trimester of pregnancy. The technology covered under the agreement includes reagents used to detect amounts of free hCGa in the blood of pregnant women, and software that utilizes free hCGa measurements to calculate the risk of a fetus having chromosomal abnormalities.