Integrated Genomics, Inc. And DANONE Sign 3-Year Discovery Systems Deal

CHICAGO, March 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The Daniel Carasso Center, Groupe DANONE’s Research Center, has entered into a 3-year license for Integrated Genomics’ ERGO(R) database and genomic discovery system. Scientists at the Carasso Center in France will use the ERGO system as part of its tools to analyze genomic and microarray data from lactic acid bacteria.

The Daniel Carasso Center has a unique collection of 3,000 lactic ferments built up since 1919. Its research teams specialize in microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, fermentation biotechnology, immunology, human nutrition, consumer sciences and food design. DANONE is the leading modern brand for yogurts produced on an industrial scale.

Optimized for analysis of microorganisms, ERGO integrates biological data from genomics, biochemistry, gene expression studies, genetics and literature. Reaching beyond conventional systems for functional analysis of DNA sequences, Integrated Genomics’ platform combines pattern-based analysis with comparative genomics and enables visualization of genes in the contexts of regulation, gene expression data, phylogeny, chromosomal neighborhoods and identification of natural gene fusions. ERGO contains more than 900 genomes at various stages of completion, as well as the largest available collection of networked cellular pathways.

“As DANONE is working on probiotics products, ERGO is a great database to help us to find probiotic functions in our strains,” said Dr. Sophie Legrain-Raspaud, Team Leader in the Probiotic Gene identification group at the DANONE Research Center in France.

In addition to licensing the ERGO software, Integrated Genomics and the Daniel Carasso Center have worked together for several years to sequence and analyze several strains of lactic acid bacteria.

About Integrated Genomics

Integrated Genomics ( ) is a provider of bioinformatics products and services for the life science industry, with a recent focus on the use of in silico strategies for comparative genomics. The company’s expertise in microbial genomics includes genome sequencing, genome analysis and custom bioinformatics. IG has developed and distributed ERGO, the most advanced and comprehensive bioinformatics suite for microbial genomics on the market. ERGO contains the largest available integration of microbial genome data, including genome-derived metabolic reconstructions and representing the chemical reaction networks of metabolic pathways.

About Groupe DANONE

Ever since its foundation in 1966, Groupe DANONE has based business development on consumer products favoring health and well-being. Now focused on three core businesses -- Fresh Dairy Products, Beverages and Biscuits and Cereal Snacks -- Groupe DANONE has growth potential few other food companies can match. With products on sale in 120 countries, Groupe DANONE reported sales of euro 13.02 billion in 2005.

Integrated Genomics

CONTACT: Vinayak Kapatral, Ph.D., Vice President, Business Development, ofIntegrated Genomics, +1-312-491-0846 x 326,