How do patients experience and manage their chronic conditions during this COVID-19 pandemic? The answers from an international patient survey

Since the beginning of this unprecedented-worldwide-health-crisis, Carenity, a digital health start-up specialized in medical studies whose platform brings together nearly 400,000 patients worldwide, has decided to give a voice to its chronic patients’ communities, a population that is particularly vulnerable in this context.

Since the beginning of this unprecedented-worldwide-health-crisis, Carenity, a digital health start-up specialized in medical studies whose platform brings together nearly 400,000 patients worldwide, has decided to give a voice to its chronic patients’ communities, a population that is particularly vulnerable in this context.

More than one person in four suffers from one or more chronic diseases in the world so the risk of loss of opportunity for chronic patients is real while much of the attention is focused on the management of people affected by COVID-19.

Empowered by this concern, Carenity has set up 2 online surveys to measure in real time the impact of the COVID-19 on access to healthcare and quality of life for chronic patients.

The first survey studied 7,458 patients across Europe and USA from March 19th to April 19th, 2020 with objectives to understand the sources of information on COVID-19 for chronic patients and to track the impact of COVID-19 on access to physicians and treatment. One of the main outcomes of this first wave (detailed results available on request) was the strong impairment in chronic patients’ disease management with both an alteration in treatment adherence and in physician access.

As a consequence, Carenity found it utmost relevant to run a second survey, post lockdown, not only to monitor any changes from wave 1 regarding access to physicians and treatment but also to understand social and psychological impact of the COVID-19 situation and assess the perception and use of telehealth.

3,876 patients have been involved in the second wave spanning from June 3rd to September 21st, 2020.

Highlights and major changes are:

  • Although access to masks and hand sanitizers have increased since the lockdown, respondents’ adherence to health authorities’ recommendations have decreased in wave 2.
  • Treatment adherence has been impacted for more than 20% of chronic patients, among them, 40% stopped their treatment.
  • If access to physician has improved between waves 1 and 2, it remains difficult, even in post lockdown, for 13% of chronic patients in wave 2 vs 24% in wave 1.
  • Almost 25% of chronic patients have experience with telehealth and 83% were satisfied. Sixty-three percent of those who had experience with telehealth would likely use it again in the future.
  • Respondents’ stress and social isolation has improved compared to wave 1 mainly because of resuming of social interactions. Wave 2 found 54% of respondents started going out to public places again and 75% of respondents started seeing family and friends again.

Carenity’s surveys uncover important insights on how patients experienced and managed their chronic conditions during this COVID-19 pandemic. Those patients’ insights are critical to define a relevant patient-centric strategy, support and programs for all healthcare stakeholders.

Mr. Chekroun founder of Carenity: “The implementation of this large-scale surveys and our ability to track a large digital cohort of patients shows that new models of engagement and anonymous data collection can be leveraged, not only for research purposes, but also to support public health action. And because we communicate daily with Carenity’s members, we can track the changing behaviors and expectations of patients and their families over time, in an accurately and reliable way.”

Should you be interested in detailed demographics and results of these 2 surveys, or would like a sub analysis on specific therapeutics areas and/or geographical scope, please contact us:

About Carenity:

Founded in 2011, Carenity is a social platform that brings together more than 400,000 patients and caregivers around the world, where everyone shares their experiences with other patients and has access to high quality medical information.

Carenity conducts patient-focused studies with members registered on its platform. The anonymous and aggregated results of these studies allow health players to better and quickly understand patients’ needs and thus improve health products and services.

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