How Did Martin Shkreli Ever Become A Pharma CEO?

SOLID #000000;COLOR:#000000;WIDTH:250PX;MARGIN-TOP:20PX;MARGIN-BOTTOM:20PX;MARGIN-LEFT:20PX;" CELLPADDING="5" CELLSPACING="5"> Life Sciences Jobs • Newest Jobs - Last 24 Hours • California Jobs • Massachusetts Jobs • New Jersey Jobs • Maryland Jobs • Washington Jobs View More Jobs Former hedge fund manager and pharmaceutical chief executive officer (CEO) Martin Shkreli has become popular target of public scorn, wrath and mockery. He has certainly given social media and late-night comedians plenty of fodder, ranging from his alleged Ponzi-like schemes to massive medication price hikes to his costly Wu-Tang clan groupie-dom to his cocky Twitter banter. But what about the people who gave him the opportunity to become the CEO of not one but two pharmaceutical companies: Retrophin and then Turing? Who are the investors who said, “Yes, this is a good idea,” or the employees who felt that “this is a man whom we could get behind”?