RICHMOND, Va., May 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Health Diagnostic Laboratory (HDL, Inc.) has announced the hiring of Mark A. Herzog, long time Executive Director of Virginia Bio, as Senior Vice President of Corporate and Governmental Affairs. HDL, Inc., a leader in health management services, has grown rapidly since its inception. Based in Richmond, the company retains over 500 employees leading the fight against chronic disease -- specifically heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.
“Mark Herzog‘s time operating Virginia Bio was marked by dramatic accomplishments, as evidenced by membership growth and public policy successes, as well as increased attention to the biosciences in the Commonwealth,” said Tonya Mallory, co-founder and CEO of HDL, Inc. “Mark is a proven leader in the bioscience industry capable of helping our advanced laboratory continue to save millions of lives and healthcare dollars around the country.”
Hired in August of 2000, Herzog served as Virginia Bio’s first full time executive director. He grew the association to represent a $13 billion industry in Virginia. “Mark has been a tremendous advocate for the biotechnology and medical device industry in Virginia,” said Chairman of the Board Thomas Thorpe, CEO of Afton Scientific in Charlottesville. “He leaves in place an outstanding organization and professional staff that will continue to their outstanding service to our members and represent well the interests of Virginia‘s life science industry.”
Mike Grisham, president of GPB Scientific and vice chairman of the Virginia Bio board said, “Mark Herzog has been the key player in passing pro-bioscience legislation such as the Angel Investor Tax Credit, the Capital Gains Tax Exclusion, funding of the Commonwealth Research and Commercialization Fund (CRCF), SBIR matching grants, the Therapeutic Discovery Project Credit and the Refundable R&D Tax Credit. We are sorry to see him go but know this is a great opportunity for him.”
Herzog will become a part of the HDL, Inc. team, headquartered in the Virginia Biotechnology Research Park, in June 2012. He will join a growing organization that is changing the way clinical laboratories interact with physicians and patients. The award-winning laboratory offers a comprehensive panel of tests to help physicians personalize treatment based on more complete patient profiling. As a result of the evidence-based approach at HDL, Inc., the medical community now has the ability to earlier detect risk factors pre-disposing patients to disease and to provide more personalized, cost effective treatments.
About Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.
Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. (HDL, Inc.), a CAP accredited leader in health management, offers a comprehensive test menu of risk factors and biomarkers for cardiovascular and related diseases. Our systematic approach identifies factors contributing to disease and provides a basis for effective treatment, allowing physicians to more effectively manage patients. As an added value, patients receive a personalized overview of their risk factors along with intensive counseling from expert Health Coaches at no additional cost, improving compliance and enhancing satisfaction. For more information about HDL, Inc., please visit
SOURCE Health Diagnostic Laboratory