Leading cardiothoracic surgeon and researcher, Brendon Stiles, M.D., has been appointed chief of the division of thoracic surgery & surgical oncology in the department of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery at Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
BRONX, N.Y., March 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading cardiothoracic surgeon and researcher, Brendon Stiles, M.D., has been appointed chief of the division of thoracic surgery & surgical oncology in the department of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery at Montefiore Health System and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Stiles will also join the Einstein faculty with a senior academic appointment. Additionally, Dr. Stiles is serving as the associate director of surgical services for the surgical oncology line at the National Cancer Institute-designated Albert Einstein Cancer Center. Dr. Stiles has built a reputation for his “patient-first” approach, which includes his pioneering use of minimally invasive surgery for early tumors, such as sublobar resection for small lung cancers, which preserves vital lung tissue and speeds recovery. Dr. Stiles will also play a key role in addressing well-documented health disparities in lung cancer by increasing screening to vulnerable populations and conducting more molecular testing to identify and cure early stage disease. “Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in New York City, and disproportionately impacts our patient population,” said Robert Michler, M.D., surgeon-in-chief; chairman, surgery; chairman, cardiothoracic and vascular surgery; co-director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care; and professor of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “Dr. Stiles’ expertise in thoracic surgical oncology expands the clinical options we can provide our patients with lung disease. Through his clinical and translational research, Dr. Stiles has significantly contributed to the medical community’s understanding and management of lung cancer. We are honored to have him join our team.” Dr. Stiles joins Montefiore from New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell, where he and his team discovered the role that a protein, ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 (ART1), plays in helping lung cancer cells evade the immune system. His current research, which is supported by a Department of Defense grant, is focused on translating this discovery into new therapies. “I have long admired Montefiore and Einstein’s dedication to tackling entrenched health disparities in the Bronx,” said Dr. Stiles. “We’ve recently learned that women and Black patients are developing lung cancer sooner, regardless of a history of smoking. This development, coupled with too few cancer screenings, is causing delayed diagnoses, undertreatment and poorer outcomes. One of the ways we plan to address this disparity is to increase screening in our community so we can diagnose and treat our patients sooner.” Throughout his career, Dr. Stiles has helped raise money for lung cancer research through his involvement with the Lung Cancer Research Foundation; an organization at which he has been chair of the Board of Directors since 2017 and serves as the vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board. He is also a member of the American College of Radiology Lung-RADS Steering Committee. About Montefiore Health System About Albert Einstein College of Medicine
SOURCE Montefiore Health System; Albert Einstein College of Medicine |