Society Of Hospital Medicine Elects New Board Members

PHILADELPHIA, March 8 /PRNewswire/ -- The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) has elected Stacy Goldsholl, M.D., Alpesh Amin, M.D., MBA, and Scott A. Flanders, M.D., to serve three-year terms on its board of directors, beginning April 29, 2005. SHM is the premier medical society representing hospitalists -- physicians whose primary focus is the care of hospitalized patients. Over the past few years, research studies proving that hospitalists decrease patient lengths of stay, hospital costs and patient mortality rates while increasing patient satisfaction, have galvanized the hospital medicine profession and spurred demand for hospitalists nationwide.

“The Society of Hospital Medicine attracts the very best medical professionals,” said SHM Chief Executive Officer Laurence Wellikson, M.D., FACP. “Our new board members are all accomplished and highly respected physician leaders who have consistently demonstrated their commitment to the field of hospital medicine.”

“Each of these new board members brings a vast range of experience, leadership and passion to the board that is sure to stimulate new thinking and new goals that will strengthen the role of hospitalists,” said SHM President Jeanne Huddleston, M.D. “We look forward to their insights and vision as we continue to expand the role of hospitalists as change agents in transforming patient care and quality.”

Dr. Scott Flanders currently is a clinical associate professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where he also serves as associate division chief of general medicine for inpatient programs and associate director of inpatient programs for the Department of Internal Medicine. He is the director of the University of Michigan’s hospitalist program.

Dr. Flanders was formerly an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and director of the hospitalist residency track there. Dr. Flanders, in collaboration with other University of California faculty, developed the content for the nation’s first hospitalist residency track. This track has become a model that has been widely disseminated to other academic centers starting similar programs, and formed the basis of a recent chapter for the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) Manual. Dr. Flanders regularly consults with both academic and community hospitals on issues related to curriculum development in the inpatient setting.

In addition to these activities, Dr. Flanders has been active in guideline development, quality improvement and patient safety both at the University of Michigan and the University of California, San Francisco. His research interests are related to hospitalists, dissemination of patient safety practices, and the diagnosis and treatment of lower respiratory infections.

Dr. Flanders was a founding member of SHM’s board of directors in 1997 and served on the board for six years. He earned his medical degree from the University of Chicago in 1993 and completed his residency training in internal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. Alpesh Amin is the executive director for the hospitalist program at the University of California Irvine Medical Center in Irvine, California, a program he started in June 1998. Over the last seven years he has grown the program to 15 academic hospitalists. He is also vice-chair for Clinical Affairs, associate program director for the internal medicine residency program and clerkship director for the medicine clerkship at the University of California, Irvine. Through these different roles, he has been involved in clinical care, administrative and hospital-based committee work, and curriculum development. He has also been involved in developing the hospitalist/consultative curriculum, palliative and hospice care curriculum, and business of medicine curriculum at UCI.

Dr. Amin’s research interests are related to the field of hospital medicine, patient safety and quality, and medical education. He is an invited speaker at national conferences on community acquired and hospital acquired pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis and venous thromboembolism, and heart failure.

Dr. Amin became a charter member of SHM in 1998 and currently serves as chair of SHM’s education committee. He also served on the 2004 Annual Program Committee and will be the program director for the 2006 annual meeting.

Dr. Amin earned his medical degree from Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, in 1994. He did his residency training in internal medicine at the University of California, Irvine, and went on to earn an MBA in health care from that school in 2000.

Dr. Stacy Goldsholl has been a practicing hospitalist for ten years and currently is national medical director for Cogent Healthcare and is the owner of Catalyst Inpatient Solutions, LLC, a consulting firm she founded in 2002 for hospital medicine program development and education.

Dr. Goldsholl began her career in hospital medicine at a community hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, where she served as a physician advisor for medical management and utilization review. In 2000 she initiated a hospitalist division for a large multi-specialty group in Wilmington, North Carolina. Subsequently, she has spent the last four years implementing hospital medicine programs for two large (700-bed) non-profit hospitals and establishing Catalyst Inpatient Solutions to serve the needs of for-profit and critical access hospitals ranging in size from 75 to 700 beds.

Dr. Goldsholl’s clinical interests include partnering palliative medicine and pastoral services with care of the hospitalized patient. She participated as a faculty scholar with the 2004 Harvard Medical School’s program in palliative care education and practice.

In addition to Dr. Goldsholl’s clinical practice, she served as co-author for “The Hospitalist Program Management Guide” (HCPro) as well as a consultant for the Advisory Board Company for its publication, Second Generation Hospitalist Programs.

A charter member of SHM, Dr. Goldsholl completed her M.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1992 and went on to complete her residency training there. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from York College of Pennsylvania in 1986 and attended a Medical Scholars Program at the University of Illinois in Urbana from 1981-1985. She is board certified in internal medicine, and a member of the American College of Physician Executives.

Hospital medicine is the fastest-growing medical specialty in the U.S. with today’s 12,000 hospitalists projected to grow to about 30,000 by the end of the decade. For more information about hospitalists or the Society of Hospital Medicine, visit the Web site at

Society of Hospital Medicine

CONTACT: Lisa Freeman of Kevin Ross Public Relations, +1-818-597-8453,, for Society of Hospital Medicine