GLENVIEW, Ill., May 2 /PRNewswire/ -- MYO Pain Relief Center will host a Grand Opening at its new offices at 1545 Waukegan Road in Glenview, Illinois this Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and will provide free treatments and self-care training as well as refreshments for all visitors.
MYO offers a unique non-surgical, non-drug approach to the relief of all kinds of chronic and acute pain and dysfunction. MYO’s president is Sharon Sauer, a certified myofascial trigger point therapist and licensed massage therapist. In 1986, Ms. Sauer became the first myofascial trigger point therapist to practice in the Chicago area.
Myofascial trigger point therapy is based on the original research of Janet Travell, M.D. and David Simons, M.D. Dr. Travell was a personal physician for United States Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. She was chosen in part because of her skill in dealing with chronic back pain from which President Kennedy suffered before and during his term. Dr. Travell identified the phenomenon of “trigger points” and “referred pain patterns,” both of which are central to the therapeutic model used at MYO. Myofascial trigger points (irritable tight spots) occur in the muscles and other soft tissues due to injury, repetitive overuse or disease. According to Sharon Sauer, “Once trigger points are present, they can trigger pain and dysfunction in nearby muscles for a lifetime unless they are inactivated. We have found that each muscle that hurts has a specific pattern of referred pain with anywhere from 3 to 11 muscles that could be causing the pain. Our therapists are skilled at identifying and treating the trigger points in those muscles.” Treatment involves compression in which the therapist presses on and stretches the muscles to ensure that they have full range of motion, thus preventing them from referring pain to other regions of the body. This is combined with other techniques including a form of deep massage, stretching and heat application.
Said one patient on a recent Fox TV News segment, “Before getting help from MYO, I could stand up only with help ... I could barely walk. I was absolutely not functional ... When I tried to pick up my son, I became immobilized ... Medication didn’t help, and I refused to get cortisone shots.” She described her treatment at MYO as, “the most unusual thing I have ever done.” “I was very skeptical when they told me that the root of my back pain was a small muscle in the back of my leg, but within 2 weeks of coming to MYO, I was 90% better.”
According to internal medicine doctor Emily Gottlieb, M.D. of Evanston who often refers patients to MYO and is also a patient herself, “The theory is that if one muscle goes out of balance, then the rest of the muscles try to protect the muscle by taking on more of the load. This will make the pain show up somewhere else ... I had a bad back which had been recurring year after year. Trigger point therapy fixed it. It’s the only thing that fixed it.”
About Sharon Sauer: Ms. Sauer received training directly from the founder of the field, Dr. Janet Travell. She has lectured widely in the United States, speaking to physicians, dentists, clinicians, patients and patient support groups on the subject of myofascial pain. She has been a featured speaker at the annual convention of the American Academy of Pain Management. She is perhaps best known for developing self-care protocols so that patients can assist in their recovery by performing both self-treatment techniques and exercises at home or at work.
About MYO: The therapists at MYO have extensive experience in treating many types of chronic soft tissue pain including, “golfer’s elbow,” “tennis elbow,” “mouse arm,” carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, low back pain, chronic headaches, fibromyalgia and a wide variety of other common pain problems. The MYO staff also frequently treats acute muscular pain and dysfunction such as “whiplash,” or various kinds of sports injuries including sprains and strains. MYO Pain Relief Center will be of particular interest to those who may need or wish to avoid using drugs or surgery as an option for chronic pain and those who want to take a pro-active part in their own healing. To learn more about MYO Pain Relief Center, please visit us online at . For more information or graphics or to schedule an interview with Sharon Sauer, referring physicians or patients, contact Mark Axelson at (847) 729- 7950 or cell# (773) 805-7610.
MYO Pain Relief Center
CONTACT: Mark Axelson of MYO Pain Relief Center, +1-847-729-7950,+1-773-805-7610
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