MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland Release: Groundbreaking Clinical Trials, Latest Cancer Research Now Available Locally - MidMichigan/Karmanos Agreement Benefits Patients

MIDLAND, Mich., Oct. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Local cancer patients now have access to the latest clinical trials of emerging cancer-fighting drugs and therapies. MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland and the Detroit-based Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute have reached an agreement to provide MidMichigan’s doctors and cancer patients with immediate access to the latest available diagnostic advances and care options.

(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040413/MMHLOGO )

“MidMichigan chose to affiliate with the Karmanos Cancer Institute because it is one of the nation’s best comprehensive cancer centers -- one that focuses on state-of-the science cancer research and applies that research to patient care,” said Richard M. Reynolds, president of MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland.

Continues Reynolds, “Our cancer patients and their doctors at MidMichigan are now backed by the physicians and researchers at Karmanos Cancer Institute, and we’ll be able to consult with the their 14 teams of cancer specialists who focus exclusively on specific types of cancer.”

“For MidMichigan’s cancer patients, this will be like getting a built-in second opinion from a team of leading cancer physicians and researchers at the Karmanos Cancer Institute,” said John C. Ruckdeschel, M.D., Karmanos Center Institute president and CEO.

“MidMichigan patients will benefit from maintaining the relationship they’ve built with their MidMichigan doctor, and in most cases when treatment is needed, they’ll obtain that care right at MidMichigan,” Dr. Ruckdeschel explained. “When a more complex case is diagnosed, we’ll work directly with the MidMichigan doctors and patients. Together, we’ll ensure that their first chance at beating cancer is their best chance,” he concluded.

Even though this affiliation was just finalized, MidMichigan and Karmanos Cancer Institute have, in the past few months, worked together to help 25 patients who were involved in the bone marrow transplant program, needed complex surgeries, participated with clinical trials or were seeking second opinions.

The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute is committed to a future free of cancer. The Meyer L. Prentis Comprehensive Cancer Center of Metropolitan Detroit, operated by the Institute, is one of 38 national cancer institute- designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States. Caring for more than 6,000 new patients and conducting more than 400 cancer-specific scientific investigation programs and clinical trials, the Karmanos Cancer Institute is among the nation’s best cancer centers.

MidMichigan’s cancer services supports programs for cancer prevention, detection and treatment. MidMichigan’s cancer and neuroscience programs are widely recognized for state-of-the technology, outstanding medical capabilities and highly trained and experienced physicians. The Medical Center is one of only two hospitals in Michigan to offer Gamma Knife radiosurgery, which is a highly effective alternative treatment for patients with brain tumors and other brain abnormalities.

For more information on services at MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland, contact MidMichigan Health Line at (800) 999-3199 or visit http://www.midmichigan.org/cancer . For more information on the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute contact (800) KARMANOS or http://www.karmanos.org/ .

Photo: NewsCom: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20040413/MMHLOGOAP Archive: http://photoarchive.ap.org/PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comMidMichigan Medical Center-Midland

CONTACT: Carol Campbell, Assistant Vice President of MidMichigan MedicalCenter-Midland, +1-989-839-3351, carol.campbell@midmichigan.org ; or BillBlaul, Vice President of Karmanos Cancer Institute, +1-313-745-8848,blaulb@karmanos.org