CHICAGO, April 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- A new partnership announced today will help life insurance companies make more accurate underwriting decisions in a fraction of the time it takes today, while offering timely, competitively priced and high-value life insurance policies to consumers without requiring inconvenient and time-consuming health screenings.
With Force Diagnostics’ rapid testing (A1C, Cotinine and HIV) and higi’s biometric and lifestyle data readings (blood pressure, weight, pulse, BMI, and activity data) available at local retailers nationwide, insurers and consumers will benefit from an expedited exam process that can be completed during a quick visit to their local retail pharmacy. This innovative offering allows insurers to respond with an actionable quote, often within 24 hours, eliminating one of the biggest obstacles when consumers are purchasing life insurance. The offering also allows insurers to reward their consumers for healthy behaviors.
“For years, insurers have looked for ways to simplify the life insurance underwriting process with varying results,” said Force Diagnostics President and CEO Michael P. Curran. “Their challenge has been to attract desirable risks, at any age, with an innovative, efficient process that results in a fair price for life insurance that is neither undervalued nor overpriced. Through this partnership, Force and higi can provide insurers and reinsurers with ongoing biometric and lifestyle data for consumers who are interested in improving their physical health as well as their financial health.”
Force Diagnostics’ FDA-cleared and CLIA-waived rapid tests detect the presence of chronic disease states and the use of nicotine and drugs of abuse. The tests do not require fasting and are procured with a finger stick of blood and a nominal oral swab.
higi is the leading omni-channel community health engagement platform with web, mobile and health stations in nearly 10,000 retail locations across the United States. With 75 percent of the U.S. population living within five miles of a higi station and with more than 1 million tests completed at higi stations each week, higi provides consumers with a free, fast, easy and reliable way to monitor their vital health stats over time and, when they opt-in, share with those they trust. To stay engaged with consumers and improve the persistency of their portfolio, life insurance companies can utilize higi’s rewards and incentives platform to encourage consumers to track and, when they opt-in, share their biometric and lifestyle data.
“higi was created to close the gaps in population health by creating ‘win-win’ insights for consumers and healthcare organizations,” said Jeff Bennett, higi CEO. “We’re empowering consumers to know their health stats, which has led to improved health outcomes for millions of higi users across the country. higi works with a broad range of industries to create efficiencies in healthcare through increased engagement with consumers and groundbreaking longitudinal analysis of real-time biometric and activity data collected across the country at home, in retail, and at hospitals and clinics.”
While the current focus is on improving access and speed to issuance for life insurance, Force Diagnostics and higi look forward to engaging retailers and employers by providing similar innovations to partners serving the corporate wellness and health insurance sectors.
“We are excited about partnering with higi,” concluded Curran. “By providing access to real-time biometric and activity data, consumers become active participants in their own health, leading to healthier individualsa true benefit for insurers and reinsurers. The strength of this partnership will result in no less than a revolution in the life insurance industry.”
About higi:
higi’s mission is to get consumers to take small but meaningful steps to create lasting health habits. Its unique, retail, omni-channel community health engagement platform gives consumers the power to collect and, when they opt-in, share their health and activity data with trusted partners and communities.
The higi platform includes the nation’s largest single network of health stations in the U.S. that millions of consumers access. The platform includes the station, web, and mobile app platform. higi stations are HIPAA-compliant, FDA 510k Class II medical devices that provide a secure real-time flow of information with multiple screening and tracking modalities, incentives and rewards.
This 360-degree, cross-device ecosystem meets consumers where they are (in retail, mobile, home) and enables healthcare stakeholders to better engage with consumers and patients, creating access and actionable insights that motivate and empower individuals in simple, fun and rewarding ways. For more information, visit us at and follow us on Twitter @higi. In addition, prospective partner developers can learn more about higi’s API by visiting
About Force Diagnostics:
Force Diagnostics identifies, develops and commercializes FDA-cleared, CLIA-waived rapid diagnostics tests, administered at the point of presence, to immediately identify underlying disease states, such as diabetes and HIV, as well as the presence of Drugs of Abuse, including Cotinine, for the life insurance, corporate wellness and health insurance sectors, both domestically and internationally. For further information, please contact Catherine Driscoll at, or go to
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SOURCE Force Diagnostics