MATERIALS PARK, Ohio (Oct. 12,2011) – Materials scientists and engineers from around the world have elected 26 of their most innovative and influential peers from eight countries to become the 2011 class of fellows of ASM International, the Materials Information Society.
The honor recognizes distinguished contributions to a fast-moving field that shapes our daily lives. As fellows, they join the society’s highest ranks – a broadly based forum of technical and professional leaders who serve as advisors to the society.
Materials science and engineering encompasses many professional disciplines related to understand the properties of, and discover new uses for, materials such as metals, ceramics, polymers and nanoparticles. The field’s experts and their innovations undergird advances in everything from spacecraft, smart phones and medical technology to corrosion-resistant screws and long-lasting tires.
ASM’s board of directors selects the fellows from nominations submitted by ASM’s 36,000 members in industry, government, academia and other settings. ASM will recognize the new inductees as part of MS&T 2011, the Materials Science & Technology conference, in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, Oct. 18.
The 2011 class of fellows includes:
Dr. John A. Agren, Stockholm, Sweden: Professor, Royal Institute of Technology KTH. For seminal contributions related to thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of microstructural evolution during processing and application of materials, and for leadership in the development of graduate and undergraduate students in pure and applied fields.
Dr. Kevin R. Anderson, Fond Du Lac, Wisc.: Mercury Fellow at Mercury Marine. For outstanding technological contributions to the aluminum manufacturing industry, and for numerous professional, technical and scientific achievements and commercially important patents.
William J. Bernard Jr., Maumee, Ohio: President & CEO at Surface Combustion, Inc. For innovation and advances in furnace technologies and for his leadership in support of education for the heat treating industry.
Dr. Ann Bolcavage, Derby, United Kingdom: Manager of Surface Engineering at Rolls-Royce plc. For innovative contributions in the development and commercialization of coating materials and surface engineering processes, and for outstanding service to ASM International and the Thermal Spray Society.
Dr. L. Scott Chumbley, Ames, Iowa: Professor at Iowa State University. For outstanding achievements in recruiting and mentoring of Materials Science & Engineering students, and in the development of web-based SEM technology used by K-12 students worldwide.
Dr. Robert D. Field, Los Alamos, N.M.: Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. For applied research of superalloys, intermetallic compounds, and beryllium alloys, dislocation and deformation analysis, and characterization of deformation mechanisms in uranium alloys through excellence in crystallography and electron microscopy.
Dr. Donato Firrao, Torino, Italy: Dean of Engineering and Professor of Technology of Metallic Materials at Politecnico di Torino. For his researches on mechanical metallurgy and surface engineering, with outstanding contributions in modeling steel microstructure-fracture mechanics as well as surface layer characteristics in nitrided steels.
David J. Fitzgerald, Houston, Texas: President, Precision Surfaces International. In recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of materials science and metallography through technical marketing and volunteer service.
Dr. Masahiro Fukumoto, Toyohashi, Japan: Professor at Toyohashi University of Technology. For outstanding contributions to thermal spray science and technology, and for mentoring of students.
David W. Gandy, Charlotte, N.C.: Program manager, Technology Innovation at the Electric Power Research Institute. For outstanding leadership and excellence in developing materials, welding technologies, and advanced lifetime prediction methodologies that significantly impact the electric power generation industry.
Dr. Sivaraman Guruswamy, Salt Lake City: Professor at University of Utah. For outstanding contributions to the development of iron-gallium magnetorestrictive alloys and lead cable sheathing alloys, as well as for outstanding mentoring of students.
Dr. Camden R. Hubbard, Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Distinguished R&D staff member and leader of the Diffraction and Thermophysical Properties Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. For exceptional leadership and innovation in applying X-ray and neutron diffraction methods in materials science, and for developing a world-class neutron residual stress capability at the national Spallation Neutron Source.
Dr. Bradley A. James, Menlo Park, Calif.: Director and Principal Engineer, Materials and Corrosion Engineering at Exponent Inc. For significant contributions to the failure-analysis field and as an educator and author.
Dr. Surya R. Kalidindi, Philadelphia: Professor at Drexel University. For outstanding scientific and technical contributions in the field of plasticity and microstructural design, and outstanding leadership in materials education and training.
Dr. Vistasp M. Karbhari, Huntsville, Ala.: Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs; Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; and Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville. For fundamental discoveries and developments in the processing and mechanics of composite materials for structural applications.
Deniece R. Korzekwa, Los Alamos, N.M.: Nuclear Materials Science Group Leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory. For outstanding contributions in the field of casting, fluid flow and solidification modeling of actinide metals, and impact of that research on national security. In further recognition of her tireless mentoring and outreach to our next-generation scientists and service to ASM International, especially the Los Alamos
Dr. Michael J. Mills, Columbus, Ohio: Taine G. McDougal Professor of Engineering at The Ohio State University. For his elucidation of the atomic-scale mechanisms that control the high temperature mechanical properties of advanced structural alloys through the use of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.
Dr. Amit Misra, Los Alamos, N.M.: Scientist, Center for Integrated Technologies, and Co-director, Energy Frontier Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory. For significant contributions to fundamental understanding of the mechanical behavior, radiation damage, and stability of metallic materials, particularly micro- and nano-layered materials.
Dr. Roumiana Slaveva Petrova, Newark, N.J.: University Lecturer at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. For excellence in teaching, dedicated promotion of materials science as a profession, and sustained research and commercialization of advanced boron diffusion coatings.
Dr. Raju V. Ramanujan, Singapore: Associate professor at Nanyang Technological University. For scientific and professional contributions to the field of nanomaterials with specific applications to energy and bioengineering applications, and for leadership in education and student training.
Dr. Roger C. Reed, Birmingham, United Kingdom: Professor and Director of research at the University of Birmingham. For research accomplishments and academic achievement in high temperature materials and processes, particularly the nickel-based superalloys and the application of numerical modeling methods, and for leadership and training of young persons in high temperature materials technology.
Dr. James F. Shackelford, Davis, Calif.: Professor at the University of California, Davis. For outstanding achievements as an inspiring teacher and educator in materials engineering, for seminal research on glasses and biomaterials and for genuine promotion of outreach to disadvantaged students.
Dr. Venugopal Srinivasan, Kalpakkam Tamil Nadu, India: Scientist and associate director, Robotics, Irradiation Experiments, Remote Handling and Post-Irradiation Examination at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. For significant contributions to understanding the flow behavior of stainless steels, titanium alloys, composites and ultra-lightweight porous materials; and the development of new processing techniques for controlling material microstructures.
A. Alan Swiglo, Naperville, Ill.: Associate director of manufacturing processes research at Northern Illinois University. For seminal and proprietary advancements across four decades in gear metallurgy and heat treatment and the cost effective application of surface enhancement techniques.
Eric M. Taleff, Austin, Texas: Professor and Charlotte Maer Patton Centennial Fellow in Engineering at the University of Texas. For significant contributions on hot deformation and superplasticity in light alloys, and abnormal grain growth in refractory metal.
Y. Norman Zhou, Waterloo, Ont.: Professor, Centre for Advanced Materials Joining at the University of Waterloo. For sustained contributions in innovative research and development in advanced materials joining technology and in the education of materials science students.
ASM International serves materials professionals, nontechnical personnel, and managers worldwide by providing high-quality materials information, education and training, networking opportunities, and professional development resources in cost-effective and user-friendly formats. ASM is where materials users, producers, and manufacturers converge to do business.