TAMPA, Fla., May 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Pilgrim Software, Inc., a world- leading provider of Enterprise Compliance and Quality Management (ECQM) software solutions, today announced that Arc Pharma Services, LLC has selected Pilgrim Software’s SmartSolve(R) suite to manage its key internal regulatory compliance and quality management processes around the world.
Arc Pharma will implement Pilgrim’s solutions to manage all aspects of its document systems; training on cGMP requirements; controlled documentation; internal, external, third-party and FDA audits; Complaint and Adverse Drug Experience reporting; and, CAPA tasks including investigations, implementations and dispositions. All cGMP requirements from Arc Pharma’s QA records management system will be built using Pilgrim solutions, resulting in an efficient and a completely paperless system.
“Arc Pharma is founded on a network of independent companies. So it became critical to link our project objectives with a critical process management tool like that of Pilgrim,” said Tim Fischer, Chief Operating Officer of Arc Pharma Services. “With multiple platforms, locations and project critical paths, managing Arc Pharma’s worldwide requirements involves a streamlined solution for success rather than a logistical nightmare. SmartSolve is the ideal solution.”
Initially, Arc Pharma will implement Pilgrim’s SmartComplaints for complaint management and SmartCAPA for addressing systemic CAPAs and its resolution and reviews. Concurrently, Arc Pharma will implement SmartDoc for file management, followed by SmartTrain to address training requirements that arise within a growing pharmaceutical environment. Finally, Arc Pharma will work on the SmartAudit function to track action plans related to Audit findings that will result from the various audits that it will be exposed to.
“Arc Pharma will benefit from Pilgrim’s SmartSolve’s 100% web-based compliance and quality management solution which provides the document, training, audit, complaint, issue and CAPA management that Arc Pharma needs to stay on top of its quality and compliance management initiatives,” said Prashanth Rajendran, Pilgrim’s Chief Operating Officer. “We are very pleased to add Arc Pharma to our growing portfolio of Pharma customers”
Pilgrim’s solutions will be implemented at Arc Pharma’s North American operational, manufacturing and packaging sites in Fort Mill, SC, Missoula, MT, St. Petersburg, FL, Las Vegas, NV, and later, at a site in Shanghai, China.
About Arc Pharma Services, LLC
Arc Pharma Services, LLC is a privately held pharmaceutical contracting service company located near Charlotte, NC. Arc specializes in building business alliances with supporting vertical integration able to service the retail, mail order, government and institutional markets. The ultimate business objective for Arc Pharma is to build a virtual network of integrated companies each able to act independently, but committed to a single goal of building a quick response, highly effective pharmaceutical wholesale network, without all the overhead and bureaucracy typical of what most large companies struggle with.
About Pilgrim Software, Inc.
Pilgrim Software, Inc. is a world-leading provider of Enterprise Compliance and Quality Management solutions for global organizations. Named 2007 North American Enterprise Compliance & Quality Management Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan, Pilgrim helps organizations manage industry and regulatory compliance, reduce manufacturing costs and improve customer satisfaction. For more information, visit Pilgrim Software’s website at www.pilgrimsoftware.com.
Pilgrim Software, Inc.
CONTACT: Sandy Carson of Pilgrim Software, Inc., +1-813-915-1663, orcarsons@pilgrimsoftware.com
Web site: http://www.pilgrimsoftware.com//