Alpha-1 Foundation Board Has New Chair

With her leadership, the Foundation’s mission of finding a cure for Alpha-1 will be further advanced

MIAMI, July 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Alpha-1 Foundation announces that Jeanine D’Armiento, MD, PhD, has been named Chair of its board of directors. D’Armiento has served on the Foundation’s board since 2011 and has participated in the Association before it merged with the Foundation. From her early career, she has been involved in research on Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1).

She is Professor of Medicine in Anesthesiology at Columbia University in New York. She is Director of the Center for Molecular Pulmonary Disease in Anesthesiology and Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, and Director of the Center for Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) and Rare Lung Disease. Her clinical center serves as a tertiary referral center for the Northeast region and cares for patients with LAM and Alpha1.

Dr. D’Armiento’s research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of lung injury and repair. The foremost goal of her research is to develop insight into lung physiology and pathology through understanding the fundamental mechanisms modulating lung injury and repair and translating these findings into practical clinical solutions. Another focus of her work has been understanding the role of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in normal physiology and in human disease, with an emphasis on the processes leading to tissue destruction in the lung and vasculature.

She was the first to describe the role for collagenolytic enzymes in the pathogenesis of emphysema and has identified the essential signaling pathways leading to the induction of these proteases in lung disease. Recently, her group identified a novel compound capable of attenuating lung destruction in animal models of the disease, which she is now developing for use in the clinic.

Currently she is the PI of an NIH funded R01 exploring the mechanisms of smoke induced lung injury. Additionally, she is a Co-PI of an NIH funded study exploring non-invasive imaging modalities in lung disease. Through both studies she is utilizing the knowledge gained from her research studies over the past years to develop novel therapeutic agents in the treatment of lung disease.

She has been involved in mentoring and training young faculty. She has trained over 15 clinical and basic fellows that now hold academic and industry positions. She serves on the Executive committee of the Columbia University senate and Chairs the Commission on the Status of Women at the University. She is also presently serving as a Consultant to the Director of the Office of Rare Disease, NCATs, National Institute of Health.

“I am honored to Chair the Alpha-1 Foundation and work with each one of the staff and the board of directors over the next few years. Our Foundation has been through some difficult challenges and it is due to your dedication and hard work that we have continued our mission and maintained our excellence,” expressed D’Armiento.

Other changes in the Foundation’s executive committee were: James Quill was named treasurer, aside from being vice chair; Elizabeth Johnson remained as secretary; Martin Zamora, MD, remained as scientific advisor; and Gordon Cadwgan, PhD, becomes immediate past chair. Also, Kenneth Irvine was named as the newest member.

“Dr. D’Armiento’s experience and expertise have certainly been an asset to the board of directors of the Alpha-1 Foundation. I am pleased to see her take on this role as Chair and look forward to what we will accomplish under her leadership,” said Henry Moehring, president and CEO of the Alpha-1 Foundation.

The Alpha-1 Foundation and the Alpha-1 community welcome Jeanine D’Armiento and wish her the most successful tenure as Chair of the board of directors.

Media contact:
Bernardo Pisani
877-228-7321, ext. 230

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SOURCE Alpha-1 Foundation