Oncolytic Virus Cancer Immunotherapy Market Companies Clinical Trials Insight 2028

Global Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2028 Report Overview:

Global Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2028 Report Overview:

  • Global Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Therapy Market Overview
  • Global Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Therapy Market Opportunity: > USD 1 Billion By 2028
  • Insight On More Than 180 Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapies In Clinical Trials
  • Patent Information On More Than 60 Therapies in Clinical Trials
  • IMLYGIC, Oncorine, Delytact: Availability, Dosage and Price Analysis
  • Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Clinical Pipeline By Country, Phase, Indication, Organization, Patient Segment
  • Oncolytic Virus Immunotherapy Application By 10 Cancer
  • Recent Strategic Partnerships, Collaborations, Mergers and Acquisitions

Download Report: https://www.kuickresearch.com/report-oncolytics-virus-immunotherapy-oncolytics--therapy-clinical-trials

The characteristic property of oncolytic viruses to selectively target cancer cells has been employed in the development of several candidates for cancer treatment, three of which are in the market now. Two of them have full approval, although the most recent approval was only temporary because of encouraging clinical study outcomes. These approvals have caused the pipeline to gradually pick up speed and the next couple of years will see approval of further candidates, especially because some entrants have or are entering the later phases of clinical trial.

A number of advancements and improvements are happening in the field of oncolytic viruses development. One of the newest and the most encouraging development is the provisional regulatory approval granted recently to Teserpaturev, a product of Daiichi Sankyo, in 2021. This is the only oncolytic virus therapy to have received the approval for glioma that cannot be removed via surgery. The approval was based on the results obtained from the clinical trials, wherein, 12 out of the 13 patients who were administered Teserpaturev were still alive after a year in contrast to the expected 7 month period survival for patients with the condition. The therapy has been granted a limited-time approval during which the company is required to collect additional result which will help in filing for a complete approval later.

Nearly all of the oncolytic viruses used today in clinical trials or as licensed therapy are given injected directly as the site of the tumor. The development of intravenous oncolytic virus therapy is moving slowly because scientists are having trouble identifying viruses that patients have never encountered previously and are therefore not immune to. The viruses should be simple to produce in high quantities for commercial sale is another consideration. The clinical success of Voyager-V1, a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus created by Vyriad, shows that, fortunately, the development of injectable OVs has been gradually catching up. Made on its VSV platform, the virus contains the interferon beta gene which enables the virus to recruit immune cells to the site of the tumor, release protein expression signals in the blood, and selectively replicate in cancer tumors while sparing healthy cells. The virus also possesses the iodine transporter NIS gene, which made it possible to use SPECT or PET imaging to monitor the viral spread in cancer cells.

Adenoviruses have historically been utilized to create OVs due of how simple it is to alter their genome. However, due to the numerous opportunities given by the characteristics of the viruses themselves and the breakthroughs in biotechnology, poxviruses, herpesviruses, and other big viruses are now being employed to develop oncolytic viruses. In addition, the emergence of CRISPR/Cas9 technology has made the process of genetic modification easier than before. In order to reconfigure the tumor microenvironment and reverse pro-malignant, immune-suppressive milieus, these viruses are engineered to express a variety of complimentary immune-modulating genes.

Numerous potent cell-based therapies have been developed, including oncolytic virotherapy, as the field of immunotherapy has grown. Theoretically speaking, oncolytic virotherapy is a strong strategy. The oncolytic virus multiplies preferentially inside malignant cells, lyses tumor cells, and simultaneously activates anticancer immunity. In the past two to three decades, this concept has started to be used in therapeutic settings and to provide actual benefits to the patients. Although virotherapy can be helpful on its own in some circumstances, combination therapies are required to fully utilize this treatment. Given the potency of immune checkpoint inhibition, combining with ICI treatments may be the most sensible course of action. The purpose of next-generation oncolytic viruses is to encourage immune infiltration, which transforms such tumors into immunological-hot states and produces more potent antitumor immunity to support longer-term cancer regression.


Neeraj Chawla

Kuick research

Research Head


