NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Leaders at nine healthcare organizations representing health plans, small hospitals and large hospitals/health systems have been selected as finalists in HealthLeaders magazine’s search for the 2005 Top Leadership Teams in Healthcare.
One leadership team from each of the three categories will be named the 2005 Top Leadership Team in Healthcare by a panel of judges next month.
The nine leadership team finalists are from: Large Hospitals/Health Systems (170 beds or more) - Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, W.Va. - Fairfield Medical Center, Lancaster, Ohio - MemorialCare Medical Centers, Huntington Beach, Calif. Small Hospitals (less than 170 beds) - Cary Medical Center, Caribou, Maine - Clearwater Valley/St Mary’s Hospital & Clinics, Orofino/Cottonwood, Idaho - Shoshone Medical Center, Kellogg, Idaho Health Plans (state or regional) - Community Choice Michigan, Okemos, Mich. - Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Wellesley, Mass. - Partnership HealthPlan of California, Fairfield, Calif.
“Narrowing the field of entries down to three finalists in each category was challenging for the judges, but I believe these nine leadership teams truly represent how health leaders work together in the face of both challenges and opportunities to make healthcare better,” said Scott McQuigg, publisher of HealthLeaders and president of HealthLeaders-InterStudy.
Following site visits to each of the finalists, selection of the three Top Leadership Teams in Healthcare will be based on:
- Teamwork exhibited among an organization’s senior leaders to achieve stated operational goals/objectives - How the senior leadership team works together to effectively overcome any challenges/barriers encountered along the way to reaching its goals/objectives - The success of senior leadership in meeting the team’s goals/objectives
HealthLeaders, an award-winning monthly publication for senior healthcare executives, will feature the nation’s top healthcare leadership teams in a future issue, and they will receive exposure on .
“Each month, HealthLeaders provides senior-level healthcare executives with solution-focused ideas to help management teams improve business operations and with information to help them understand how their peers solve business problems,” McQuigg said. “We want to encourage others to learn from the best practices of some of the country’s top healthcare leadership teams.”
Judges for the 2005 Top Leadership Teams in Healthcare are Howard Berman, former CEO, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Rochester, N.Y.; Gordon R. Clark, president and CEO, The Governance Institute, San Diego, Calif.; Laurence P. Harkness, former president and CEO of Children’s Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio; Dr. Nancy Linenkugel, OSF, FACHE, president, Chatfield College, St. Martin, Ohio; Norman C. Payson, M.D., former chairman and CEO, Oxford Health Plans Inc., Trumbull, Conn., Jim Stokes, former CEO, Quorum Health Resources, Brentwood, Tenn., Sheri Sellmeyer, director of market analysis, HealthLeaders- Interstudy; Ann Binstock, editorial director, HealthLeaders magazine, and McQuigg.
HealthLeaders magazine, published monthly for more than 40,000 healthcare decision makers, is part of HealthLeaders-InterStudy, a newly formed company of Decision Resources Inc. HealthLeaders-InterStudy is the authoritative source for managed care and health care market data, analysis, and news.
CONTACT: Scott McQuigg, Publisher of HealthLeaders magazine,+1-615-385-4131
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