Haemacure Corporation Shares to be Delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange


MONTREAL, Jan. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Haemacure Corporation announces that it has today received notice from the Toronto Stock Exchange that its shares will be delisted from the TSX at the close of the market on February 5, 2010. The delisting results from the failure by Haemacure to meet the TSX’s continued listing requirements relating, among other things, to the financial condition of listed companies. In light of its financial condition, Haemacure does not intend to appeal the decision of the Continued Listings Committtee of the TSX, as permitted under the TSX Company Manual, or seek a listing of its shares on another stock exchange at this time.

CONTACT: Haemacure Corporation: Joseph Galli, Chairman and CEO, (514)
990-7074, jgalli@haemacure.ca; Gilles Lemieux, Secretary, (514) 282-3350
ext. 22, ir@haemacure.ca; www.haemacure.com