NAPA, Calif., Nov. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- In recognition of November as National COPD Awareness Month, Dey, L.P., a subsidiary of Mylan Inc. , has entered into a partnership with the COPD Foundation in support of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to raise public awareness of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), also known as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Through an unrestricted educational grant to the COPD Foundation, Dey, L.P. is supporting the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign, an ongoing initiative to educate the public about COPD and its treatment, and to urge screening and early detection of the disease.
According to the NHLBI’s COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign, COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Approximately 12 million Americans are being treated for the disease, and it is estimated that at least another 12 million are unaware that they suffer from COPD. A simple screening test called spirometry can identify those affected by COPD and enable them to start receiving treatment. The COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign targets people over the age of 45, particularly current or former smokers or people at risk for a genetic predisposition to COPD or environmental exposures.
“COPD is a hidden epidemic in this country, and National COPD Awareness Month is critically important as an opportunity to combat the public health crisis of this disease,” said John W. Walsh, President of the COPD Foundation and President and CEO of The Alpha-1 Foundation. “On behalf of the COPD Foundation, I salute Dey, L.P. for becoming the first pharmaceutical company to provide support for this national public awareness campaign. The company’s commitment to patients and their caregivers is reflected not only in its support of the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign, but also in its newly created educational resource kit for COPD caregivers. The COPD Foundation is delighted now to be able to offer these unique, free resource kits through our COPD Call Center.”
“We are proud to join the COPD Foundation in support of the NHLBI’s effort to increase public awareness of COPD,” said Carolyn Myers, Ph.D., President of Dey, L.P. “As a U.S. leader in nebulized respiratory medications, we have a strong commitment to helping patients understand COPD and receive appropriate treatment. Through this collaboration with the COPD Foundation in support of the NHLBI, Dey will contribute to the campaign’s consumer education events as well as to its distribution of educational materials to physicians and the general public.”
Caring for Someone with Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis, Dey’s new educational resource kit for COPD caregivers, provides disease information, an overview of various COPD treatment options, and practical lifestyle tips and other suggestions on ways to care for someone living with COPD. Free copies of this COPD caregiver kit may be requested through the COPD Foundation Call Center at 1-866-316-COPD.
About COPD
COPD refers to a number of chronic lung disorders in which the airways to the lungs become narrowed and breathing becomes increasingly difficult. The most common forms of COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and many patients suffer from a combination of the two diseases.
COPD is not well understood or recognized -- most Americans have not heard of it, not even those who may be living with the condition. The most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, which is responsible for an estimated 80 to 90 percent of COPD cases. Estimates of the total incidence of COPD in America range from 24 to 30 million.
About Dey, L.P.
Dey, L.P., a subsidiary of Mylan Inc. , is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacturing and marketing of prescription drug products for the treatment of respiratory diseases, respiratory-related allergies, and emergency care medicine. As the U.S. leader in sales of nebulized respiratory medication, Dey, L.P. puts patients first through its development of innovative and affordable therapies. The Web sites for Dey, L.P. include,,,,, and
About Mylan
Mylan Inc. is one of the world’s leading quality generic and specialty pharmaceutical companies. The Company offers one of the industry’s broadest and highest quality product portfolios, a robust product pipeline and a global commercial footprint through operations in more than 90 countries. Through its controlling interest in Matrix Laboratories Limited, Mylan has direct access to one of the largest active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers in the world. Dey, L.P., Mylan’s fully integrated specialty business, provides the Company with innovative and diversified opportunities in the respiratory and allergy therapeutic areas.
For more information about Mylan, please visit
CONTACT: Dey, L.P. Media Line, +1-800-755-5560 ext. 8363; Harriet Ullman
of Feinstein Kean Healthcare, +1-617-761-6776,
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