Hormonology, LLC Release: New App Helps Men Predict A Woman’s Moods And Romantic Desire - Using Science

SAINT PETERSBURG, Fla., May 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- For millennia, men have been baffled by the unpredictability of women’s moods, romantic desires and other behaviors. Now the Female Forecaster, a new Hormonology app, gives boyfriends and husbands something they probably thought was impossible: An accurate daily forecast of their female partner’s moods, libido and more. And it uses science to do it.


The Female Forecaster App charts a woman’s monthly cycle, then provides the app user with a daily forecast of what her mood will be, whether her desire for intimacy will be high or low and more based on her hormone levels for that day.

“Each daily forecast is based on hundreds of studies that show how a woman’s three key reproductive hormones--estrogen, testosterone and progesterone--impact her in various ways, including her emotions, libido and energy,” says app creator Gabrielle Lichterman.

“Because a woman’s hormones repeat the same up-and-down pattern month after month, the effects her hormones have on her also repeat the same way month after month--making her moods, romantic desires and more easy to predict.”

For example...

On Day 7 of a woman’s cycle, she’s happier and her sex drive is high thanks to rising estrogen--making this a day when boyfriends and husbands can do no wrong.

On Day 19, she’s sluggish and her desire for physical intimacy is low due to rising progesterone--so a man shouldn’t take her “Not tonight, dear” personally.

On Day 27, plunging estrogen can make her moody, but she also experiences an increasing libido--which explains why she can be cross with you one minute, but want to cuddle with you the next.

“The Female Forecaster App answers questions men have long had about women and takes the mystery out of the fairer sex. As a result, men can have a closer relationship with their partner, avoid needless arguments and have a more fulfilling sex life,” says Lichterman.


Download the Female Forecaster App from the App Store (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/female-forecaster/id1134777563?mt=8) and Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hormonehoroscope.femaleforecaster) for $2.99.


Gabrielle Lichterman is a women’s health journalist, author of the groundbreaking book about women’s hormones, 28 Days, creator of the Hormone Horoscope menstrual cycle-tracking app and founder of Hormonology.

To schedule an interview, call 917-370-2761 or email Gabrielle@MyHormonology.com.

Learn more at MyHormonology.com.

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SOURCE Hormonology, LLC