ANN ARBOR, Mich., Dec. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan (HFM) recently announced that several national level awards had been presented to the organization. The awards were received at the National Hemophilia Foundation’s 55th Annual Meeting and Education Conference held on November 6-8 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The awards represent the achievements of both individual staff members, as well as overall recognition for the services and dedication of HFM as a part of a regional service area including Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. The following awards were announced:
Phillip Kucab received an Award of Excellence for Meritorious Service in Honor of Ryan White. Mr. Kucab is a student at University of Michigan and an active member of the bleeding disorders community at both the state and national levels. He also serves as the director of Camp Bold Eagle, HFM’s summer youth camp, and is the secretary of the HFM Board of Directors.
The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan received an Award of Distinction for Health Education. The Factor Facts of Life program was developed by Michigan teens as part of MYLIFE, HFM’s youth leadership initiative. The comprehensive educational activity was developed under the direction of HFM and Hemophilia Treatment Center staff members, Colleen Joiner and Jim Munn of the University of Michigan. Barbara Wilson, HFM’s youth and education coordinator nominated the educational game, which is used to help teens learn and incorporate NHF’s “Do the Five” prevention messages: 1. Get an annual comprehensive check-up at a HTC, 2. Get vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B, 3. Treat bleeds early and adequately, 4. Exercise to protect your joints and 5. Get tested regularly for blood-borne infections.
The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan also received Chapter Recognition from the National Hemophilia Foundation for advocacy efforts and working to improve the quality of life for individuals and families with bleeding disorders.
Ivan C. Harner, Executive and Regional Director for the Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan commented on the national awards. “These awards represent the achievements of many volunteers and staff members at HFM. On a daily basis HFM is working towards assisting individuals and families with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. We commend those who work together with HFM to support our education, health care, and advocacy efforts.”
The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all those affected by hemophilia and hereditary bleeding disorders through the support of individual, family and community services; education; health care; advocacy; and research with the ultimate goal of finding a cure.
For more information, contact the Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan at 734-332-4226.
Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan
CONTACT: Ivan C. Harner, Executive and Regional Director of HemophiliaFoundation of Michigan, +1-734-332-4226, ext. 26,
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