OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Registered nurses and other caregivers represented by the California Nurses Association and SEIU Locals 660 and 121 RN from dozens of hospitals across Southern California will rally against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger outside his Women’s Conference tomorrow to protest his attempt to erode a state law that ensures safety protections for hospital patients, the CNA announced today.
What: California RNs Picket Governor’s Women’s Conference When: Tuesday, December 7 Time: 8:15 a.m. picketing begins, 9:30 a.m. press conference Where: Long Beach Convention Center, corner of Pine and Bay, in Downtown Long Beach
“The Governor’s decision to halt implementation of the latest ratios and then host a conference, celebrating his commitment to women’s issues is an affront to our esteemed historically female profession,” said CNA President Deborah Burger, RN.
In early November, Gov. Schwarzenegger issued an executive order to roll back key provisions of the California law requiring safe RN hospital staffing. His edict was made at the specific request of the state’s multi-billion dollar hospital industry, which is among the special interests that have contributed more than $26 million to the governor in his first year.
“By executive fiat, without any participation by RNs, patients, or the public at large, this governor has given big hospital corporations the green light to under-staff California hospitals, placing thousands of California patients at risk,” continued Burger.
The executive order was based on media reports, citing a hospital industry public relations campaign, CNA noted. No data or studies were presented, just select newspaper articles, as justification. By contrast, scores of scientific studies have documented the direct correlation between safe RN staffing and reduced patient deaths.
California Nurses Association
CONTACT: Charles Idelson, +1-510-273-2246, or cell, +1-415-559-8991, orJill Furillo, +1-818-637-7154, both of California Nurses Association
Web site: http://www.calnurse.org/