Berg Diagnostics Launches Molecular Diagnostics Services and Products at American Association for Cancer Research 102nd Annual Meeting

ORLANDO, Fla., April 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Berg Diagnostics, a member of the Berg Pharma, Inc group of companies with Berg Biosystems and Cytotech Labs, is a Boston-based molecular diagnostics company that officially launched its molecular diagnostics services and products at AACR meeting from April 2nd 6th in Orlando, Florida.

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The company offers enabling technologies such as high-throughput omics-based molecular profiling, biomarker validation, and regulated bioanalysis, facilitating its client base to decipher differential molecular signatures between normal and disease states, reveal underlying pathophysiology, identify and validate novel biomarkers. In addition, it has its proprietary proteomic, lipidomic, and metabolomic platforms that allow for an integrative data-driven approach to diagnostics.

Dr. Renu Virmani, LTC, MC (US Army), President and Medical Director of CV Path in Gaithlesnburg, MD, Clinical Professor of Pathology at Georgetown University, and former Chair, Division of Cardiovascular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology commented, “These Technologies will likely discover new biomarkers, which should help treat patients get individualized medicine.”

“We are very excited to showcase our research capabilities and product offerings to cancer researchers worldwide,” explained Shen Luan, President and CTO of Berg Diagnostics. “The successful delivery of molecular diagnostics is the foundation of personalized medicine. Berg Diagnostics is well-positioned to translate the promise of personalized medicine into palpable human impact.”

In addition, a product portfolio of over 100 research-based ELISA kits would be unveiled at Booth # 177. The list of ELISA kits covers research categories such as angiogenesis, apoptosis, endocrinology, immunology, inflammation, oncology, and signal transduction. Complete product catalogs are found on the new Berg Diagnostics website.

“Shen has been able to combine the latest cutting edge ‘omic’ platforms to enable biological mining to the deepest layers of understanding. The company is poised to be an industry leader in actually separating signal from noise in analyzing biological samples which will be the foundation of truly enabling personalized medicine,” noted Niven R. Narain, President and CTO of Berg Biosystems, and Co-founder of Berg Diagnostics.

About Berg Diagnostics LLC

Berg Diagnostics is a Boston-based molecular diagnostics company that offers high-throughput omics-based molecular profiling, biomarker validation, and regulated bioanalysis to accelerate development of molecular therapeutics and diagnostics. Armed with the state-of-the-art instrumentation platforms, the company serves to catalyze project end-points in therapeutic and biomarker development.

SOURCE Berg Diagnostics LLC