Axiom Wins Contract To Develop Public Health Service Warrant Officer Regulations

FALLS CHURCH, Va., Oct. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Axiom Resource Management, Incorporated, announced today that it has won a contract to support the development of a Public Health Service (PHS) Warrant Officer program.

“This is very exciting news,” said Axiom Assistant Vice President Dave Maurer, who co-led the effort to win the contract along with Axiom’s Gene Bruseau. “Not only is this a new client for Axiom, but our first win under the new Program Support Center contracting vehicle at the Department of Health and Human Services,” said Maurer.

With Congressional approval, the Public Health Service has undertaken a program to establish a cadre of Warrant Officers to support the long- established Commissioned Corps of the PHS. Axiom will draw upon expert consultants specializing in warrant officer personnel management with decades of experience in military warrant officer matters.

“Mr. Tom Carrato of Maximus Corporation will act as an advisor on this landmark project,” said Frank Cumberland, Axiom’s Vice President for Communications. “Tom is a retired admiral in the Public Health Service, an esteemed colleague, and one of the most accomplished federal healthcare executives of the last twenty years,” said Cumberland. “Axiom looks forward to working with him, and to his advice and counsel.”

Axiom Chief Operating Officer Doug Peardon said, “This is a major achievement for Axiom. It allows us to build on our excellent reputation supporting the TRICARE Management Activity by using that experience to help the Public Health Service on this critical project.”

Axiom is a full-service professional consulting firm providing program management, operational support, studies and analysis, Web, IT, accessibility, marketing, and distance learning solutions. The firm also provides information clearinghouse, warehousing and distribution support.

For more information contact Frank Cumberland, Vice President for Communications, 703.998.0327 Ext 222.

Axiom Resource Management, Incorporated

CONTACT: Frank Cumberland, Vice President for Communications, of AxiomResource Management, Incorporated, +1-703-998-0327, ext. 222