XRHealth, the gateway to the healthcare metaverse, announces today their virtual/augmented reality therapy is now available in the United States to treat patients with autism.
ASD Patients can use VR therapy to Treat Attention, Inhibition, Memory, Mobility/Coordination, and Stress while Measuring Therapeutic Progress With Data Insights BOSTON, April 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- XRHealth, the gateway to the healthcare metaverse, announces today their virtual/augmented reality therapy is now available in the United States to treat patients with autism. Until now, patients in Australia have been utilizing the ASD VR therapy to treat attention, inhibition, memory, mobility/coordination, frustration tolerance, anxiety and stress. XRHealth’s platform can also measure the progress achieved in therapy, with unique data insights that closed loop VR technology can provide. XRHealth clinicians will be using the company’s FDA registered applications to provide a holistic, multidisciplinary treatment for ASD patients, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral health, while the platform will provide valuable insights and progress reports for both therapists and patients. In addition to one-on-one treatment with XRHealth therapists, patients can join a support group inside Virtual Reality, allowing ASD patients to connect with each other. XRHealth services and technology are answering multiple challenges faced by ASD patients and their family members. Often it can be difficult for caregivers of ASD patients to get them in the car and drive them to therapy because there could be resistance to the therapy or a change in their routine. XRHealth provides an easy, fun, and engaging way for ASD patients to get the therapy they need in the comfort of their home, eliminating the challenges that ASD patients and their family members experience in having to travel to doctors offices. Additionally, family members can also use XRHealth to help them navigate the challenges of caring for a patient with ASD. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.21% or 5,437,988 adults are diagnosed with ASD in the United States. ASD is often detected before the age of 3 years old and is characterized by challenges communicating and interacting with others, limited interests, and repetitive behavior. “XRHealth is providing a virtual environment similar to gaming for patients with ASD which is tailored perfectly for children who want to be engaged in a way that is familiar, " says Eran Orr, Founder & CEO of XRHealth. “Because of the unique and fun environment, patients are more likely to comply with treatment plans since they enjoy the process.” About XRHealth: CONTACT: DeeDee Rudenstein, (267) 521-9654, drudenstein@propelsc.com