New Products to Bring Transformation in 3D Imaging Services

3D imaging services play a crucial role in the medical sector. Doctors and surgeons can gain important information and take informed decisions based on 3D images.

3D imaging services play a crucial role in the medical sector. Doctors and surgeons can gain important information and take informed decisions based on 3D images. Market players and researchers at different universities are developing new products and providing time-saving and cost-saving benefits. These products will automate 3D medical imaging annotation for various modalities such as MRI, X-ray, and CT. In addition, a new microscope has been launched that has a potential to replace biopsies. Innovative products are aimed at bringing the transformation in 3D imaging services. According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the global 3D imaging service market is estimated to reach $377.06 billion by 2030. Following are some of the activities taking place across the world.

The trend of launch of new tools for providing 3D medical imaging services is arrived. Encord launched an innovative purpose-built 3D annotation tool DICOM for artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. This tool will enable healthcare players in training and operating models for automating 3D medical imaging annotation for different modalities including MRI, X-ray, and CT scans. It can offer more than 20,000 pixel intensities. This is so much higher than the existing tools that have capability to offer only 256.

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This tool is aimed at saving time and money along with building data pipeline around different images. In addition, it combines the accurate display with data pipeline to enable doctors and clinicians in annotating images. The company unlocked the power of automation through deep learning models in this tool. This leads to improved accuracy, time-saving, and cost-saving benefits. Such innovative products are aimed at changing the way imaging services are provided in the medical industry.

Along with market players, researchers across the globe launched innovative tools to enable 3D imaging services. Researchers from the Columbia University developed a high-speed 3D microscope MediSCAPE. This microscope provides real-time imaging of tissue structures. This imaging will enable surgeons in exploring tumors and their boundaries and eliminate the need to remove tissues.

As the procedure of biopsy involves a long wait to gain results, this microscope can give real-time results. This microscope has a potential to replace traditional biopsies. Doctors and surgeons can have a close look at tissues that may have tumors and gain a real-time feedback. This will lead them to take rapid and informed decisions about cutting the tissues. Such devices will bring transformation in the medical sector.