Health Care Associations Judge CyMed As Nation’s Top Transcription Service Provider; Representatives From AHIMA, MGMA And AAMT Select CyMed For MTIA Beacon Award

RICHMOND, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 1, 2005--CyMed, Inc. was honored today with the first ever Beacon Award for service excellence and billing clarity by the Medical Transcription Industry Alliance (MTIA). The award was established by the MTIA Billing Methods Principles (BMP) committee to recognize the industry’s top outsourced service provider who demonstrates application of the BMP pricing ideals of verifiability, definability, measurability, consistency and integrity. MTIA, which serves the interests of more than 1,000 national competitors, recruited senior executives from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), and the American Association of Medical Transcriptionists (AAMT) to judge the competition between the market’s top vendors.