CENTEGIX’s contact tracing solution ContactAlert™ qualifies for federal funding from the stimulus package passed by the U.S. Congress in December 2020.
ATLANTA, Jan. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- CENTEGIX’s contact tracing solution ContactAlert™ qualifies for federal funding from the stimulus package passed by the U.S. Congress in December 2020. ContactAlert™ was developed to meet the demands of K-12 educators needing solutions to help combat the spread of COVID-19 in schools. ContactAlert™ enables district leaders to protect their teachers and staff by anonymously contact tracing school constituents that may have been in contact for a defined time with individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. Data privacy is a fundamental design principle of ContactAlert. Exposure data is provided anonymously for an incident that meets contact tracing criteria defined by the CDC and Departments of Public Health, currently more than 15 minutes of close exposure. Districts purchasing ContactAlert™ also receive CENTEGIX’s CrisisAlert™ platform. This incident alerting solution protects staff and students by empowering users to discreetly and immediately request help through an easy to use smart badge while providing first responders with actionable information enabling them to respond faster in any situation. Importantly, CrisisAlert™ delivers precise, room-level alert location accuracy within buildings, immediate audio and visual incident notifications (including lighted strobes, screen messages, and two-way radio integration), simple activation via a CrisisAlert badge, and 100% full campus coverage. “CENTEGIX was founded on the idea that technology can create better and safer learning environments,” said Matthew Stevens, CEO of CENTEGIX. “Expanding the use of our private security and location network to include contact tracing was a natural fit to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, school districts can invest the new stimulus funding to both combat COVID-19 now and protect students and staff over the long term,” Stevens added. CrisisAlert is a revolutionary IoT platform that protects over 1 million K-12 students and staff from extreme incidents such as active shooters to everyday in-school incidents such as student altercations and medical emergencies. “We rely on CrisisAlert to increase safety in our district and help teachers be in control of their classrooms so that they can focus on the learning environment. With the new ContactAlert capabilities, school districts can do contact tracing to manage the spread of COVID-19 and leverage even more value from the CrisisAlert investment”, said Dr. Shanna Downs, Superintendent, Gilmer County School District in Georgia. About CENTEGIX To learn more about CENTEGIX, please visit www.centegix.com. Media Contact