OnseiLaunches Advanced Speech Empowered Patient Scheduling System

ATLANTA, Nov. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Onsei, LLC announced the launch of the Onsei Speech Empowered Scheduling(TM) (SES) solution designed to integrate with health care practice management systems. This speech-recognition application addresses patients with a natural-sounding voice and is designed to allow practices to optimize their appointment-setting process while providing maximum self-service scheduling flexibility and convenience, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Onsei runs on Microsoft’s(R) Speech Server 2004 platform and can perform all appointment scheduling tasks -- from receiving inbound and making outbound calls to patients 24-hours-a-day, to automatically updating practice management solution scheduling so that health professionals and their patients can make the most of their time. Onsei speech empowers existing practice management solutions -- all that is needed is a Web browser. Health professionals maintain as much control over the scheduling process as they want while allowing patients to interact with the practice on their own terms.

“Onsei is unique in offering full inbound functionality in addition to outbound calling features,” said Onsei president James Verhey. “This provides more flexibility and efficiency than common outbound-only applications.” According to Verhey, practices with an outbound-only reminder system can save an average of $50,000 to $75,000 per year, but the inbound features of Onsei can more than double those savings while providing increased flexibility. “The Onsei solution will schedule appointments, optimize scheduling, place reminder calls and can be used to conduct surveys, resolve billing issues, communicate birthday/occasion wishes, set meeting dates, deliver welcome announcements or accounts receivable reminders, and much more.”

Onsei is a secure, customizable, HIPAA-compliant, hosted Web-based solution that eliminates large, up-front software, equipment, installation, maintenance and staff expenses. It uses Internet Protocol, telephony, and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology; supports multiple concurrent users; and can be used via Internet, cell phone, PDA, laptop, pager or phone. Each practice has access to all of the functionality and data on their desktop while all Onsei-based scheduling and patient communication processing is done on the remote server.

“Onsei’s goal is to make Speech Empowered Scheduling (SES) a mainstream, pervasive technology for the health care industry that is accessible by any device, at any time, and from any place,” said Dan McDade, CEO of Onsei. “We want to enable the convergence of the Web and voice systems into one infrastructure. This convergence will unite speech-enabled and visual-only Web applications into one application that runs on the practice’s existing Web infrastructure.

“In the past, only the largest organizations could afford to develop and implement even the most basic speech empowered scheduling applications,” McDade said. “Now Onsei has made the most technologically sophisticated and user-friendly Speech Empowered Scheduling solution attainable to enterprises of all sizes.”

About Onsei

Headquartered in Norcross, GA, Onsei, LLC, provides the most advanced speech empowered patient scheduling, reminder calling and re-call notification system available. Backed by strategic alliances and a 70-member team of sales, marketing and technical support professionals, Onsei has the expertise in software, hardware, ASP, networking, infrastructure, and practice management necessary to ensure the successful implementation of any client application. The Onsei team’s many years of experience in a wide variety of appointment-driven and telephony-centric industries make them uniquely qualified to help enterprises of all types and sizes get the most out of their investment in Speech Empowered Scheduling applications. For more information, please visit http://www.onsei.net/ .

Onsei, the Onsei logo and Speech Empowered Scheduling are trademarks of Onsei, LLC. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Onsei, LLC

CONTACT: Denise Doyle of Brown Bag Marketing, +1-770-605-8331, orddoyle@brownbagmarketing.net