Heroix Ensures Health Of Health Care At LCMS; Award-Winning Software Suite Provides Solid Blend Of Price And Performance For Worker Benefit Plans

Heroix Corporation, a leading provider of application performance management software, today announced that The Worker Benefits Plans of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod has implemented its Heroix eQ Management Suite, winner of the Well-Connected Award for Systems Management, given by CMP Media LLC’s Network Computing. The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS), with 2.5 million members, ranks as the second largest Lutheran church body in North America and the 11th largest denomination in the United States. The Worker Benefit Plans (WBP) is an entity within the LCMS whose main purpose is to administer health, retirement, disability, survivor, and other benefits for the more than 50,000 LCMS church, university, and school workers and their families.