Atherotech Diagnostics Lab Release: VAP® Lipid Panel Featured on “The Suzanne Show” With Suzanne Somers

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Celebrity talk show host Suzanne Somers said it’s important to know more about your cholesterol, including LDL particle size, and that the future of advanced medicine lies in Atherotech Diagnostic Lab’s patented and comprehensive test, the VAP® Lipid Panel. “Large fluffy are good, and small are not good,” the host of The Suzanne Show said of LDL particles in her December 19 season finale episode discussing life-saving blood tests used to predict heart disease and stroke risk. Because the basic lipid panel misses residual cardiovascular risks, health care providers are turning to the preventive power of the VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) Lipid Panel. Somers interviewed Steven Joyal, M.D., chief medical officer at Life Extension®, a Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based foundation dedicated to the extension of the healthy human lifespan. Joyal told Somers that the VAP Lipid Panel identifies people at risk who would otherwise not be alerted to their cardiovascular disease if they had a conventional cholesterol test. (Watch the episode, “The Future of Advanced Medicine,” at